Chapter 20: Favor

Start from the beginning

J got a full ride to the Art Institute of New York. I'm so proud. Kira goes to the School of American Ballet.

EJ he's..... We're still working on him.

I put my phone on my dresser so I could climbed up in his lap. He put the grill on the night stand, smiling at me.

"I like these draws you got on."

"I know you do." He placed his hands on my ass and smiled at me.

"We should get matching tattoos."

"seriously?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah. What we gone get?"

"Idk you the one with all the tattoos." I laughed and looked at my arms.

"You have some too." He lifted his shirt and looked at his side.

"The only reason I got this was because Ferg wanted all of us to have ASAP on us. I was really tooooo damn high to say no. Hurt like a bitch tho. I got this one right here because the love of my life encouraged me in this nice lil note."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you."

"I love you too." We hopped in the shower together. And no we didn't have sex. He doesn't want to and I love that he wants to wait for the right moment.

After all that we got dressed and walked two blocks to this tattoo shop. There's no sense in taking a car in New York.

"What do you want done miss lady?" I looked at my ring finger and got an idea.

"Do you do cover ups?"

"Yeah all depeneds." I showed him my hand with the faded tattoo on my finger. August has to go.

"Yeah that should be easy. Take a look at my book to see what you want." I nodded as he handed me a binder full of all his hand work.

There was this little flower and it was just to cute to me. I picked that one and he did a quick stencil.

"Flowers? I don't know about that." Kim put a arm around my waist and his head on my shoulder.

"C'mon get a little one. Like behind your ear. Your hairs gonna cover it up anyway." I put my finger in his ear and he fanned me off. He rolled his eyes and sat next to me on the couh in the waiting room.

"Fine." He groaned.

"So you want me to make two copies?"

"Yeah but try to make it as manly as possible." He rolled his eyes at me. The guy laughed and disappeared into another room.

"I'll try!"

I kissed Kim's jaw, only for him to wipe it off. "Don't be like that baby." I kissed all over the side of his face and he kept a straight face the whole time. "Kimmy!" He turned his head and looked at his nails. He breathed on them and wiped them on his shirt. "Okay two can play that game." I took his arm from around me to scoot over and cross my arms.

"Alright... We're ready for you".

I stood up with him close behind me. He sat me in this turquoise chair and sat Kim across from me.

I crossed my legs at the ankle and watched as they placed the stencil on.

Kim put his hair in a ponytail and closed his eyes as they guy put the stencil behind his ear.

The machines started going and I felt him drawing the outline on.

"Ooohh shit!" I looked over at Kim and he had his face scrunched up.

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