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Three weeks had passed since All Mights unplanned demise. Deku had managed to gain the sympathy of the entire population of Japan, with the sob story that All Might was training him and he fell to the ground. The entirety of UA was devastated by the news, and the traitors were secretly thrilled at the news.

Baku didn't have to pretend, he absolutely despised All Might and it showed. Anyone who wasn't a traitor hated him, and blamed him for the death of their beloved #1 Pro Hero. He was fine with it, this was his normal every day life. The death of anyone could occur randomly and they would blame it on the closest villain. It could be of old age, or even being in a car accident. Those details would be lost the second they had someone to blame.

Villains don't exactly get a choice when they are given the title; villain. Some of them messed up once and now have to live with the stares of everyone. Some are raised in an environment where someone they know to be a hero, acts like a villain, so they naturally come to despise all heroes. Some grow up abused, with their families eventually killed somehow, to be left on the streets where nobody helps them because "oh, the heroes will save them." Some are born different and treated badly due to it, so they give into the opinions everyone has of them. Some follow the steps of their idol into villainy.

Baku was born into this world with an emotionally, and sometimes physically, abusive mother. As well as his push aside father who tried to make peace with everyone but failed. After receiving a quirk that gained him popularity, and an ego, he tried to impress everyone around him with his skills. Those he deemed as weak, including himself, he pushed away and didn't care about them. Peer pressure caused a bully to be born, and when Baku realized he took it to far, it was too late.





"Wannabe hero."


"Not good enough."

"Try harder."

"F*g." (A/N: Im sorry ik this is extremely offensive, I do not think or use this word to describe anyone it is purely for the story :<)


Slowly but surely, these words sank in over the years. He did enter UA, and he was put in class 1-A. However by the time this happened, he was given the opportunity to join the league. He said he would think about it at first, still having the smallest hope that he could be a hero.

He started dating Deku three weeks into the school year, and Bakugou did really love him. After about a month though, Deku became distant and secretive.

Bakugou ignored this small fact and continued to date the broccoli. Two months later, he found Deku and Uraraka sitting on Bakugous bed, Deku shirtless and Uraraka following suit.

"Deku?!" Bakugou screamed, a mix of shock and anger on his face.

Deku hurriedly pushes Uraraka off of him, and rushes over to Bakugou.

"Hey kachaan! Your um, back from training early!"

"Of fucking course. I should have expected this, especially from you. We are over." Baku scoffs, leaving the room.

While, yes, Bakugou had no romantic attraction to Deku, the sight of him on his own bed brought back the memories he tried so hard to push down.

!! Explicit content and adult topic coming up. Look for the "------" if you want to skip this part.¡¡

Deku - Hey bub! I'm training with All Might for a little while today, sorry I can't hang out!

Baku - Oh, okay! You'll just have to give me extra cuddles when you get back 🙂

Villainous Love~ V!Bakugou, Villain RehabWhere stories live. Discover now