Prologue: The Nightmares That Never Seem to Fade Part I

Start from the beginning

"Everything will be ok." It said. "I'm sorry." It continued repeating those words over and over as if it were trying to soothe me.

I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but as the black fire washed over my body, I didn't say a word. I didn't burn, nor did the flames scorch my body; instead, it was warm as if I was getting a hug for the first and last time.

"Your five minutes are up. Now die!" Those were the last words I heard before an explosion of black fire erupted from my sister: Yukino Uchiha.

I could barely see it. I was sure the silhouette of my mother was trying to shield my eyes from it all. Though, after a while, the figure crumbled, and I felt energized for some reason. Only to collapse on my knees crying as I stared at the crater where my sister used to be.

"Yukino! Mom! Dad! Anyone!" I cried out for an answer, and surprisingly, I got one. From someone who should have been dead.

A ripple in space above the crater opened. The man's mask was cracked, and his cloak had some scorch marks but other than that, he looked fine.

"To think she timed me perfectly." He started to laugh. "But only fools sacrificed themselves."

Hearing him mock her made something come over me. To know she died for nothing brimmed my hatred to a boiling point. The love I felt for my family and my hate for him intermingled, blown like a fan, I felt a whirlwind of chakra surge from within me. A torrent of violet-colored chakra.

No, she didn't die for nothing. I refuse to believe that! I noticed the black specks that tainted my chakra flow and realized that wasn't mine. A slight tap of joy filled my heart. The chakra she gave me. I won't waste it!

My eyes were clear for the first time since I had entered this hell. That Masked Man would pay. That traitor!

Wind Style: Swiftness. My body felt lighter as wind blew around my feet. Earth style: Sediment Post. A small rock formation in the form of a kunai grew from the ground and fell into my hand. I hadn't mastered it, and I only knew a bit from what my sister taught me from her sensei, but I didn't care. I did the hand signs, and pain surged within my arm, tingling my nerves as if I was being pricked by a thousand needles.

"Lighting Style: Lighting Blade." A blue static conducted around the kunai as it was made of metal.

"Oh." The Masked man stared at me; his eye narrowed. He didn't move from his spot, probably underestimating me.

Good. I needed him to if this was going to work. I ran at him as fast as my little body could, kicking up dirt and debris, using the wind to propel myself forward. I leaped at him with the lightning-coated rock kunai. He simply stepped back and dodged the blade with ease.

"Is that all?" His cloaked hand reached out for me.

I ignored him and let go of my kunai midair, doing the hand signs.

"Water Style: Water Spitter Jutsu!"

I spat out a stream of water at the rock. The lightning charge that combined with the water charge overloaded the rock kunai and blew it up into shards. The broken stones sliced through my skin, but they also cut through him. A piece of his mask came off. I grabbed it and kicked off his face flying through the air. My sister had mouthed me something before she blew herself up.

"Live on. Little brother." She said.

It was why I planned to get away, but not without sending a message. I looked at the shard of his mask in my hand, then glanced over my shoulder. The masked man covered his face and vanished into a ripple of space. That Sharingan of his, those three daggers in his eyes. I'll never forget them.


I ended up crashing down in the middle of one of the walkways, where I heard another familiar voice.

"When you have the same eyes as I do. Come stand before me."

It sounded like Itachi. Was he a part of this too? I struggled to lift my body up as I tried to push my hands against the ground. My hands, covered in cuts and blood, where just an hour earlier; they were innocent. As I stared at them, I collapsed onto the ground. Whatever was left of that black chakra faded along with my purple chakra.


Next to me, a body dropped, followed by the sound of someone convulsing. He screamed out, and I recognized his voice. I needed to move, but my legs wouldn't let me. I clawed at the ground dragging myself forward, one eye open, trying to reach him, but all I could do was watch as Sasuke panicked.

He screamed for Itachi. Then he screamed for his mom and dad. Then he just stopped screaming altogether, his voice muted as he seemed to claw at his eyes.

"Sas.... ke..." I struggled to let my voice out as I couldn't crawl anymore. My vision blurred as I was starting to lose consciousness. I'm sorry.

"So, he let you live. Interesting." Hearing that voice, I struggled to see his face one last time. Itachi stared me down, his red eyes of three spiraling daggers merged together. He had a Mangekyō Sharingan just like my sister. Tears welled in my eyes as He turned away from me and dispersed into crows. Leaving me with the words.

"Take care of him for me."

Naruto: The Tale of Yuki Uchiha 7 Year Revamp Volume 1 and 2Where stories live. Discover now