Prologue: The Nightmares That Never Seem to Fade Part I

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A crimson moon stared down at us when we returned home. The red and white paper fan that hung over the front gate had kunai stuck in it, signaling red flags. I stepped forward, slowly, afraid of the ominous atmosphere, but the sound of a splash broke the silence.

Strange. I don't remember it raining.


I turned my head to the sound of a body hitting the ground. Sasuke's eyes were filled with panic as he trembled on the floor. His finger pointed at my feet. A crimson red engulfed my shoes and a couple of inches from it... A body, my father's: Ryu Uchiha.

"I need to go check on my family." Sasuke ran off talking to himself. "Itachi will know what to do."

Staring at my father's dead body, I would have collapsed if I hadn't heard the clash of blades and a familiar scream. I ran towards it. As fast as I could. Please be ok. Please be ok. Please be ok.

The moment I arrived, I was greeted by a blur of movement. The metal clang of kunai resounded in front of my home. My eyes couldn't keep up with the fight, just blurs of orange and black, but when they stopped, I recognized my sister's long black hair and red eyes. Her usually perfect face was smeared in trails of blood that drained from her eyes.

"So, this is the Shinigami's Mangekyō Sharingan." The voice came from a man I didn't recognize. He stood in front of me, a towering figure in both body and presence. I couldn't see his face, and it seemed he didn't notice me. Which meant I could win.

I did the hands signs that were drilled into me. My birthright as an Uchiha. I took a deep breath, rocked my head back, and shot forward. Fire Style: Great Fire Ball Jutsu! A large flame bloomed from my mouth, engulfing the man burning bright until all that was left was a charred sidewalk.

"I... hah... I did it!"

"You did what exactly?" The voice came from beside me.

I turned to see an orange and black striped mask. It covered his face but revealed a single red eye. He had a Sharingan! A glint of light refracted from his sleeve. I panicked, unable to move.

"Don't you dare touch him!" My sister roared, disappearing from the roof of our home. The force of her blink caused it to cave in on itself.

She sent me flying with a kick. Pain erupted from my stomach as I landed in front of my home, now rubble. I wanted to close my eyes and wake up from this nightmare, but I heard her scream once more, snapping me back into reality.

"Get out of here Yuki!" My eyes shot open, and my sister stood still with her katana coated in a black flame. It was dug into the man, but he seemed unfazed. "I'll take care of him and join you soon, ok."

I understood what she meant. I didn't have time to hold her back. Whoever that man was, he could stop an attack from the Shinigami Uchiha. I would only get her way, and I knew my sister. She would never lose. I struggled to my feet in pain, but it was nothing compared to the pain she must be feeling.

"I'll go get help. So don't beat him before then. Everyone should get to see how cool you are." I smiled even though my face was wet. I stumbled forward then broke into a sprint.

"I think not." The Masked Man threw shuriken at me.

My eyes widened. There were too many to dodge, and I had no chakra left to burn them away. I crossed my arms to shield myself.

"Death Style: Sweet Embrace Jutsu!"

A body in the image of my mother: Rin Uchiha, appeared before me, covered in a black flame. It wrapped its arms around me. Shielding me from the deadly weapons. I stared in horror as it seemed to bleed. Its mouth moved, and out came the words in a whisper.

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