Troublemakers #1 - TXT x ITZY

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ITZY, who doesn't know them? One of the worst female troublemaker gangs in the city. There are five of them, no one knows what they look like or their identities. But rumours have it that these five girls are students at Seoul's most prestigious school, which made the whole school caught in a wildfire upon hearing it.

"Did you know about those five girls?"

"Yes! I can't believe they're in our school!"

"I heard, they robbed the city bank last week and managed to get away with it."


Two students walked past five boys who are accidentally eavesdropping as they walked past by them in the school hallway.

"Are they still talking about those five girls?" One of the boys asked, eyes on the other students in the hallway who are also talking about the rumour that has been going on.

"It has been a week, I can't believe people are still holding on to that stupid rumour," the one next to him shakes his head in disbelief.

"It's our school, what do you expect?" Another one of them playfully scoffs.

Tomorrow by Together, or TXT for short. A popular group of boys with magnificent visuals and talent caught the whole school's attention when they first came. There are five of them, Choi Yeonjun, Choi Soobin, Choi Beomgyu, Kang Taehyun, and Hueningkai.

"But imagine if we found those girls, wonder how they feel about it." Hueningkai wondered.

"Probably get a whole month suspension or get kicked out of this school," Yeonjun smirked playfully.

"It's not like they have done something bad at the school grounds." Well, Soobin might speak too soon.

Out of nowhere, they saw a group of students running outside to the school front yard. Taehyun who saw one of the students running asked, "Yo Jake! What's wrong?"

"Someone had vandalised the school's statue. Come!" Jake replied and ran outside following the students. The five boys looked at each other and decided to follow Jake outside.

It sounds so impossible that someone had vandalised the school's statue when right now is lunchtime and people are outside. Unless they did it during class time but there's no way they could do that as there are hall monitors walking around and security guarding outside. Not to mention the CCTVs that the school stuck in each corner of the building.

When they arrived outside, they already saw almost the whole school looking up at the statue. It was all filled with many colours of spray paints and silly strings from the top to bottom.

The five boys proceed to shuffle through the crowd to stand at the very front. "Headmaster Seo, who's the one behind this?" Yeonjun asked the headmaster next to him.

"I don't know. The security guard says that there were no one around during class time and the coast was clear." Headmaster Seo replied.

"How about the CCTV?" Beomgyu asked.

"There is nothing, someone must've hijacked it," she shakes her head in disbelief.

While the others are busy talking about the statue, Taehyun decided to take pictures of the vandalised statue just for evidence if needed.

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