Free - C.YJ x H.YJ

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(This will all be in Yeonjun's POV)

June 28 2017. That was the first time I saw you. You were a new student in our class. You just moved back after living in Overseas.

I still remember how you look back then. Long brown hair, your cat like eyes that captivates everyone's attentions. Including mine. Out of all the girls in that school, you're the most attractive one.

Our teacher made you sit next to me. And you look more pretty up close that I could not stop glancing at you. And this is where I realised that I just fell for you.

After a week, we instantly clicked. Thanks to our social studies teacher that partnered us up for a project. My feelings starts to grow as well.

I love the way you laugh, how you talk and how you make my heart flutters without you noticing.

Fast forward 2 months later. We have gotten more closer. We start to get each other better. Sharing some fun facts and similarities. Like how we have YJs in  our names. And how the both of us are idol trainees which caused the reason why you moved here, to reach your dreams.

Because of that, we shared our goals together and hopes. Even hoping that we could debut at the same time.

Another fast froward to new years. The day I confessed to you. I was so nervous that you would reject me.

I called you to the park that we always go to. And I finally confessed and you said yes! I was so happy and relieved. We shared our first kiss under the snow. It was magic. But deep down inside, I knew with our situations, bad things will come soon enough...

And it did. Training were so busy to the point we couldn't see each other. Even calls! It was so empty without you.

Whenever I'm free, you're busy. And whenever you're free, I'm busy. This kept going on and on and on until I lost count.

I knew that we can't do this anymore. Not just because we're busy. But these are for our dream. Where we put our heart and sweat into it. I knew how badly you wanted to debut at the same time. So I did the thing I had to do. Which is to set you free...

One night after practice, I finally called you to meet you at the usual park. Clearly wasn't the best place to do it, but it's also the closest location from our companies.

I still remember when you arrived at that park, your face was lit up with excitement, happy to see me again. But I couldn't hold my emotions anymore that I just kept a poker face on. How stupid I was.

After I said those word, I regretted it. Your face dropped, I couldn't bare to see it in front of my own eyes. The tears that weld up in your eyes. That broke me down. But this is the best thing to do. And thus, that's the end of our 3 months relationship.

June 28 2019. The date where I saw you for the first time ever in person. The sate sounds so familiar huh? Deja vu.

We were both MCs to introduce our new groups. Yes we debuted. Same year but a month apart. But that doesn't matter, we debuted anyways. (A/N: That moment that I will never forget <3)

I was so excited to meet you again. But when we was about to greet each other, you just acted like stranger. But I understand since there are other people around.

If there were no people around, I would engulfed you in my arms in a few seconds. That's how I missed you so much.

After we broke up. We never talked or see each other. You even blocked my number. It's obvious that you hate me though I already stated the reason.

Now its's 2021. Still no contacts or whatever. I saw your comeback a week ago. You're awesome. You still look the same, well except your hair colour. But still, you're the Hwang Yeji I still remember.

If you're reading this, I will look at you without you noticing. Creepy? Yes. But I still can't take my eyes of you. And I'm sorry about what I did years ago. Because sometimes, you gotta let someone free even though you love that someone so much...


Okayyy here we go. Another one. I'm sorry if its short and I know it doesn't make sense but I tried my best. And I just heard last night that there will be no more AKKONG MC from October 8. I will truly miss Soobin and Arin as Mubank MCs, but at the same time I'm also excited with Sunghoon and Wonyoung as MCs. Hope you guys will support the new MCs like we did to AKKONG. But yeah, this is it. Hope yall like it. Bye~

- NK -

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