Photo Booth (2) - C.SB x C.JS

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It has been one year ever since the first time Lia and Soobin met. And their bond is getting a lot closer than expected. They would hang out by themselves just the two of them without their friends knowing. And after those countless hang outs, Soobin had developed certain feelings for the girl.

"Arcade we are back!" Kai exclaimed as the ten of them stood in front of the same exact arcade in the same mall a year ago.

"So as usual, we will group up," Taehyun spoke, facing the others.

"Since the arcade is not that full like usual, I think we could just--" Yeonjun didn't get to continue what he said when the two youngest had already ran inside the arcade hand in hand. He could only make a thin line out of his mouth while Yeji patted his back to calm him down.

"Then pairs it is," Chaeryeong giggled before going in with Taehyun. Followed by Yeonjun and Yeji and Beomgyu and Ryujin.

Soobin looked down at the girl next to him. "The usual?" he asks as Lia nods her head excitedly.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her inside the arcade. She couldn't help but blush over his action. Feeling his warm hand gracing over her own

They finally stopped at the same photobooth and quickly went inside before anybody could. He grabbed two headbands. The same rabbit ears one for him and the same minnie mouse ears for her.

"Here, I'll wear it for you," he said as he bends down to put the headband on her head. Again, Lia blushed with how close they are right now.

"T-Thanks," she stuttered. Hearing that, he chuckles and bends down to slide the card token to start.

"Wait, how are we going to pose?" she asks, baffled that they haven't figured out what to pose.

"Just do whatever you want," Soobin shrugged, getting ready to pose.

Lia just did what he said, posing in each picture. She thought he would do the same like her, throwing some random poses. But he had other plans in mind. She flinched when she felt him wrapping his arms around her waist. He then put his chin on top of her shoulder.

She glanced at him, forgetting the fact that they're taking a picture. "Lia, look at the camera," he said which she quickly did, averting her eyes back to the camera and smiled. Though she wanted to squeal so bad.

Then he did the most unexpected out of the most unexpected. He planted a soft kiss on her right cheek. And the camera quickly captured it as their last picture.

Her heart almost burst with the things he did throughout the whole photo session. That explains why he didn't tell her what to pose since it had been his plan the whole time.

"Come on, let's go now," he took off her headband and his, putting it back inside the basket and grabbed her hand before walking out.

They went to the right where their picture was already printed. Soobin smiled and picked it up. "Look at you, you look so cute," he showed her the picture.

It's like an evolution over the second. The first picture shows where she posed and Soobin just looked at her, adoring her from the side which she didn't realise. The second picture was when he held her waist and the visible shocked face she had on her face. Then closing their gap and him kissing her on the cheek on the third and fourth picture.

"And as usual, we will write the date," he fishes a marker out of his pocket, opening the cap to write the date on the picture.

"24.07.2021 - C.SB x C.JS". He wrote and closed the cap before giving one of the copies to her.

She took it and smiled seeing the picture. "Why did you do this?" she looked up.

Soobin could only shrug. "I don't know. Maybe because I want to". He then continued, "And also maybe because I like you".

"What?" She widened her eyes.

"Yeah, I may have not developed certain feelings for you," he chuckled, scratching his not itchy neck.

Lia could only smile and took a step forward. She stood on her tippy toes before closing their gap then planting a small kiss on his left cheek. "Let's say we're even now," she pulled out, standing normally.

He was baffled. He couldn't believe what she did. Now he knows how she felt when he kissed her back then.

"Come on, let's go. We have more things to do," she quickly squirms away ahead of him going around the arcade.

He realised how she was blushing as well. He grinned widely like a silly goof and jumped around. Good thing no one notices or people will think he's crazy. Clearing his throat he fixes himself before running to catch up with her. Maybe he could thank the photo booth to made him feel like this.


Short continuation of the last chapter! Enjoy <3

- NK - 

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