Secret Admirer - C.BG x S.RJ

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"Ugh, where is it?!" Beomgyu rummaged through his locker trying to find something.

Ryujin, his best friend has been looking at him while leaning onto a random locker next to his with boring eyes.

She has been here for almost 6 minutes, still hasn't figured out what's the boy looking for since he was too busy.

"What exactly are you looking for?" Ryujin asks.

"My Toto resemblance plushie! I knew I left it here somewhere!" He continued to rummage through his messy locker. Some stuff even fell on the floor.

"Why? And most importantly why do you have a plushy in the resemblance of your pet?" Ryujin frowned. Bending down to gather his stuff that was on the floor and piling it up in her arms.

"We're gonna have a pop quiz today for period 4, and Mr. Kim said that this will be in our reports. So I figured why not bring the plushie as my lucky charm!" He explained. "And you know how I barely study for his class,".

Ryujin rolled her eyes and continued to gather his stuff until something caught her eyes. A white envelope with blue hearts was also on the floor.

She furrowed her eyebrows and pick it up. It looks like it's new. Because it's not wrecked though Beomgyu threw it on the floor.

"Aha! I found it!" Her thought got cut off when she heard Beomgyu exclaimed while holding his Toto plushie.

"See this is why I told you to clean your locker," she huffed. Picking up more stuff from his locker.

"Come on I am not that messy," he turned around. He stopped when he saw how the floor around him is now full of his stuff. He also got some eyes from other students looking at his mess.

"Yeah... totally," Ryujin sarcastically said.

"Anyway, I found this on the floor. I think it's for you," she gave him the envelope.

"How do you know," he asks.

"I don't know, probably because it's literally in the pile of your mess," he rolled his eyes and opened the letter.

"What did it say?" Ryujin peeked. But Beomgyu quickly turned to the other side avoiding Ryujin to read it.

"Come on, I wanna see!" She went to him again, but he turned to the other way.

"Stop, let me read this first!" He continued to read.

Being Ryujin, she just snatches the letter from his hands and reads it. It says,

Hi! I'm your secret admirer. From now on I will send you a letter to cheer you up! Fighting~

- 🙈

"Oooh~ someone got a secret admirer," she cooed, handing him the letter back.

"Shut up, it's not like I will found them nor do I have the interest," he put the paper back in the envelope and was about to throw it in the closest bin.

"Stop! Don't throw it!" Ryujin stopped him.

"Why?" He asks.

"Cuz, you never knew how hard it is for that person to make you this letter!" She frowned.

Beomgyu thought it was weird for Ryujin to do this. I mean he knew well that if Ryujin got one she would throw it away as well. But he just shrugged it off.

"Whatever. Then what do you want me to do?" He examines the letter figuring out what to do if he keeps it.

"I don't know, you think it yourself. Anyway, I need to go to class bye," she shrugged. Beomgyu scoffed.

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