Date - K.TH x L.CH

349 27 6

(Part two from 'She's Back'. Thank you for @_ajackson_3 for suggesting this idea)

Chaeryeong looked at herself in front of the mirror and looked at her outfit today. She's wearing a green dress that had white flowers printed on it and a white cardigan to protect her from the cold. She fixed her hair one last time and sighed. After Yuna's birthday party she and Taehyun were planning on hanging out a day after but didn't get the chance since they both have busy schedules. But finally, after a month, they decided that today is the right time.

Her phone rang. She picked it up from the table next to her mirror and saw a notification from Taehyun saying that he's in front of her apartment building. Grabbing her white Burberry crossbody bag from her bed and going out of the door downstairs to meet Taehyun.

As the elevator door opened, she already saw him standing outside leaning on his black Tesla wearing black shorts tucked in with a white t-shirt and green cardigan. He waved as he saw her, showing a small smile. She opened the glass door and ran up to him.

"Hey," she greeted with a smile.

"Hey," he looked at her from head to toe. Pretty, he thought. "You ready?" she nodded her head excitedly making him chuckle.

Taehyun proceeded to open the front passenger door for her and let her in. After making sure she's comfy and safe, he ran around and got inside to the driver seat. He started the car and started to drive to the place they're going to hang out.

Chaeryeong turned her head and looked at him, "Where are we going?" she asked with curiosity.

"You'll see," she saw him smirking while looking at the road. She just sat there in silence and waited until they arrived.

They had been driving for twenty minutes and she was confused when he went inside a forest. She gulped, suddenly feeling nervous. Taehyun, who noticed this, used his right hand to soothe her hand, which made her have butterflies in her tummy. "It's alright, there's nothing to worry about".

Another five minutes passed by and she could see the car entering a more open part of the forest. She could see a field full of fresh green grass and beautiful flowers scattered around. Some people were also there as well, mostly family and couples having picnics.  Is it a picnic? She thought.

"We're here!" he cheered after he parked the car safely. Opening his seatbelt, he got out of the car and went around to open her's. We love a true gentleman.

Before going to the field, he opened the car trunk and appeared with a picnic basket in his hand. "Let's go," he grabbed her hand and led her inside the field.

"Wow," she stared at the place in awe with how beautiful it looked close up. "This is beautiful," she praised and continued to follow him.

They walked to almost the very end of the field where a cherry blossom tree is planted. He opened the basket and got a picnic blanket, opening it and putting it on the ground before sitting on it with Chaeryeong following next to him.

"What's inside the basket?" she asks and takes a look inside where multiple boxes of food were neatly placed. She grabbed one which was a box with a sandwich inside. Opening it, she carefully grabbed one and ate it. "It's good!" she squealed in joy, savouring the sandwich even more.

"You like it?" she nodded her head cutely. "Thanks, I made it myself. Well, Yeonjun and Yeji helped me," he added while chuckling.

"Here, have some," he opened his mouth as she fed him the sandwich.

It felt like deja vu. Her mind flew when they had their first date five years ago at a local park. They were still innocent as they were in their first year of high school at that time. Taehyun is known as the book nerd and Chaeryeong is the shy girl. But somehow, fate destined them together, until she left far away to Japan for three years. Nonetheless, now they are reunited. Though, they are still wondering if they are still a couple since they never actually broke up officially.

"Can I ask you something?" Taehyun asks, looking at her. She nodded her head as a reply. "Why did you leave?" The question hit her like lightning.

"It was my dad. He wants us to move for a 'better education," she did the air quotes with her two fingers. "I refused at first. But it's no use since I will get dragged anyway. I didn't get to tell you guys since we were in a rush," she explained.

"Oh," he nodded his head, finally understanding the whole story behind her leave.

They just sat there in comfortable silence. Chaeryeong suddenly felt something on her lap and it was Taehyun's cardigan. "Just so that you won't get cold," he said. But after a few seconds, she felt him laying his head on her lap as a pillow.

"Oh so this is the real reason you put your cardigan on my lap," she pinched his cheeks.

"Maybe," he grinned and grabbed her hand that was on his cheeks and held it, soothing it lovingly.

"Tae," he hummed. "What are we?" she asks, looking up to the cherry blossoms that are falling.

"What do you mean?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Are we a couple?" she released her hands from his hold and went to her soft black hair, playing with it, "After I left, we never actually officially broke up. But at the same time, we haven't seen each other until Yuna's birthday last month," she explained.

He sat up straight and looked her in the eyes. "If you want to be a couple, then sure," he shrugged his shoulders, acting cool when he's nervous inside.

"So we're a couple now?" she asked while he nodded his head cutely. "Cool," she said, trying so hard to hide her smile.

"Look at you, smiling," he teased, pointing at her smiling face.

"Stop~," she covered her face with both of her hands while he continued to tease her nonstop.

They stayed at the field until noon when they left to go home to her apartment and figured to hang out there and watch a movie instead. Taehyun was supposed to leave when the movie finished but ended up falling asleep in the middle of the movie.


Long time no see! I am back from the dead. Who misses me? Anyway, another short and cute chapter from yours truly :)

- NK -

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