Chapter -87

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Avoid mistakes if any. No proof reading.

Ps:-comment lots and I'll post the next update by night.

It's been 4.00 pm, 3 hours since they have entered the party and Nandini wanted to go back home as she was feeling tired. Though she enjoyed the stranger's company but now that too was enough for her. Excusing herself from his company. Nandini came to Manik and spoke.

Nan-I am going home.

Manik frowned and took her aside and spoke.

Ma-the party is not over yet.

Nan-the party won't get over till night too........ and I am not asking you to leave........ I am going and I am brave enough to go back home alone.

Ma-you can't go.........I might need you.

Nan-teen ghante se toh meri taraf dekha bhi nhi won't need me anymore........ so bye.

Saying that, she turned and left, seeing her walking away, Manik too ran behind her and left the party. Coming beside her, he spoke.

Ma-waise kaal tumne mujse kaha tha toh bring a new slut in the party.........aur aayi ho does that mean that you are the new slut.

Hearing him, Nandini stopped and looked at him and in next second she landed him a tight slap.

Nan-mil gaya jawab.

Saying that she walked away from him, crying while Manik looked around to see if anybody saw them and luckily no one was around. He looked at her direction and came behind her. Nandini reached his car and took out her bag and was leaving, when Manik caught hold her wrist and said.

Ma-get inside the car.........I'll drop you.

Nandini in reply tried freeing her hand from his hold but Manik was way too strong. Having no way out, Nandini strongly stamped her foot on his and Manik yelled in pain. His hold on her got loose and Nandini immediately left, grabbing that chance.

Taking a cab, she came back home and Manik saw her taking a cab. Gritting his teeth, he sat in his car and left for his home. The whole way, his words echoed in her mind and she couldn't believe that he had such low thinking for girls.

She disgusted herself to give herself to such a man. This day too passed in crying. Like this the whole 2 weeks passed, with Nandini seeing a new girl everyday around him. Her heart ache was the same and things were just getting worst for her.

Finally it was her last day at work. Her 15th day will be completed today. From today, he won't have any right nor he have any option from letting her go. This is the last day when she will see him, cook for him, hear him. This was another pain in her heart apart from the break up thing.

Nandini has whole heartedly accepted the fact that she loved him immensely and his this betrayal have broken her which is why she was not trying to be strong and gather herself. She knew that this procedure can't take place in one day and she needs to work on it.

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