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Avoid mistakes if any. No proof reading.

After an hour of good sleep, Nandini woke up first to find herself snuggled in his arms. She smiled at their position and nuzzled on his chest, than she placed a kiss on his chest and raised her head to look at him.

Seeing him, this close, sleeping like a baby, Nandini smiled and realised once again that she have got a Greek god as a boyfriend. She kept blinking on his face and was seeing all his features keenly, she just couldn't get enough of him.

His fair skin tone, his sharp jaw, his dark red lips, his pointed nose, his cheeks and broad forehead, the mole close to his lips, his untouched yet in shape and thick eyebrows, his long lashes and his Adam apple. All this factors were adding more and more to his beauty.

But apart from that, what attracted her more about him along with his looks, were his good deeds, his pure behaviour with all relationship, his kindness towards everyone and most importantly the way he is with her.

Respecting her, being a kid around her which nobody have seen, taking all her foolish acts and giving her all the freedom to express herself. All their lovely lockdown moments were flashing in her mind and now her eyes were on him but her concentration was not.

She was smiling to herself and looking lost and that is what Manik saw. He woke up feeling her warmth and fragrance, he immediately looked down at her thinking she is sleeping but when he looked at her, she was in some different happy world. He frowned on her smiling face and placed a kiss on her forehead and that got her back to reality.

Feeling his lips on her, staying there for a good time, Nandini came back to reality and looked up to find him wide awake. She passed him a warm smile and heard him.

Ma-kaha khoi ho?

Nandini in reply snuggled more in him and said meekly.

Nan-kuch nhi.

Manik didn't force her and pulled her more to him. 5 to 7 mins, they stayed unmoved and than they decided to get up coz they had the urge to use the loo and were hungry too. So Nandini got up first and got fresh.

Once she was out, Manik went in and Nandini came down, she quickly kept tea and butter toasted bread and than applied jam on that, Manik came back soon and Nandini served them, they had it with Nandini talking about stuffs coming ahead in their lives, mostly related to office.

After this, they stayed in each other's arms on the couch for a good and talking about random stuffs, playing with each other's fingers and having a peaceful moment. Later she left after dinner which they called from outside.

Next few days passed in a jiffy, with nothing much happening, Manan visiting each other's place and spending some good quality time.

Like everyday, today too Manik came at Nandini's place after his jam session, he had just settled down and relaxing, while Nandini was talking about food and stuff, when his phone rang, interrupting their moment.

Expecting it to be Mr Malhotra, Manik fished out his phone from his pocket and frowned on seeing cabir calling, they were confused coz at first he doesn't call, secondly, they just parted away few mins ago and thirdly why was he calling. With all this questions, he picked up the call.

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