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Avoid mistakes if any. No proof reading.

Next morning, Nandini dropped a message to Manik that she is not coming to work today and she is doing fine. Dropping him a message, she called the floor receptionist and explained her the entire schedule of Manik and forwarded his written time table to her.

Now that she was home and Radhika was working at this moment, Nandini first completed her this task and than got to her routine work only with a thought that her work should end with the maid's so that once she is gone, all that she can do is rest and eat.

Nandini had no particular reason to miss office today but yet she had some, firstly she was hell shy to meet Manik, she needed time and secondly she was still a bit sore and coz of that she was feeling tired and lazy. Anyways, she cooked enough food that only consisted of white sauce pasta that would last her for dinner too and then once Radhika was gone.

She too came on the couch with a plate of white sauce pasta and tea. She was enjoying that along with watching some headlines at first and than switching the channel to cartoon and enjoying it. Since she was lazy and tired, she was laying down on the couch and watching tv but unintentionally she felt asleep with that tv still on.

While here her morning was like this, for Manik he woke up hoping to have a peaceful day ahead. He checked his phone to look at the time but ended up reading Nandini's message and he knew this is not how he wanted the day to start.

Multiple thoughts came in his mind but there was this thin string that kept him holded and that was her words last night about giving her some time but yet his sub conscious mind kept poking him with unnecessary thoughts. Now that he too was badly confused, he decided to skip his work out today.

Lazily he got down from bed and freshen up completely, changed in his office attire. Than he came down to kitchen to cook something and ended up with some jam and toast along with a glass of milk. He left for office early today and the floor receptionist was surprised coz it was not his time for arrival.

Coming in, Manik settled on his chair but his eyes directly fell on Nandini's table and he missed her. He was disturbed by the floor receptionist who said him his schedule and Manik started working.

It was around 2.00 pm when Nandini woke up and at first she found out that her tv is on. Switching that off, she sat lazily and for 10 mins she didn't move at all, she kept looking at things just like that and then she got up. Putting the used crockery in the sink. She came back and picked up her phone.

Going through SNS, reading and playing games, somehow her 3 hours passed and than her battery went down which is why she decided to first take a bath along with putting the phone to charge so by the time she gets free, she would have sufficient battery.

Than after bathing, she will eat something, so she kept tea for herself on the lowest flame and than put the phone on charge and entered the bathroom. She took a nice 20 mins relaxing hot water bath, which somehow helped her in healing her soreness too.

Than getting changed in a nice yet some what loose pajama kind off outfit, she came in the kitchen and poured milk in her tea and then went to put her towel to dry. Than coming back on couch with her food and tea, she had that peacefully.

It's a sleeveless top.

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