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Avoid mistakes if any. No proof reading.

Ma-I got her arrested.


Hearing him, Nandini gasped and palmed her lips with her fingers while Manik told her all the truth. The reason behind her this act and the song still being in her hold. Fab3's behaviour towards Aaliya after knowing the truth and than her whole arrest scene.

He also told her that he will release her after 3 days and Nandini again couldn't believe all this. Aaliya's psychotic reason, the way these friends reacted on their friend and how dangerous Aaliya could be towards Nandini too.

She was again numb and Manik was getting scared seeing her like this. He immediately reduced all the distance btwn them and took her in his arms and passed all the warmth and assurance. He placed his chin on her head and spoke.

Ma-don't worry Nandini.........I won't let any harm reach to you..........we will sort out stuffs with Aaliya and everything will be normal like before.

Nandini wanted to believe his words but the reality is that it's not easy in doing as much as it is easy in saying. She moved away from his arms and spoke.

Nan-how could she do that in her insecurities..........forget about everything......... didn't she think about my career and life........ how would have things become for me.........and how is it easy Manik.........what if you wouldn't have believed me...........mei.........mei kaha se lati proofs to prove me innocent......... and have you thought that all this could have revealed my blood relations too.

Nandini had gone so much numb that she spoke anything and than moved away from him. She got up and headed to the room, not waiting on Manik's constant calls. Coming up, she straight away came to the bathroom and stood under the shower.

She wanted to think nothing but her thoughts weren't stopping, while for Manik, new addition to his worry. Nandini this behaviour and not knowing how will she behave later made him worry for their relationship now. He was so much exhausted mentally that now this matter was taking a toll on his mind.

He couldn't think anything now anymore and just than his father called him. Just what he needed. Manik poured out everything to his father. From all the happenings to all the thoughts and now Nandini's behaviour and piling out everything to his father Manik felt relieved like never before.

Even his father heard everything from him and than said him soothing words which actually finished Manik's mental exhaustion. Having a long chat with his father, Manik was calmed and had back the energy to deal with Nandini's insecurities at this moment.

As much time Manik took to talk to his father, all that time Nandini was under the shower. At the early stage, all thoughts came in her mind and her tears were flowing, getting washed off with the water but than soon she realised that Manik is not at fault in all of this.

Infact, he have taken her side, protected her and will always protect her. This thoughts calmed her down and than all sort of positive thoughts started coming in her mind and this calmed her down completely. She was no more upset or worried.

Suddenly she was all normal but realised that she needs to apologise to Manik coz he was actually stuck btwn his girlfriend and friend and her behaviour added more to his problems. So she off the shower, dried herself and wrapped her bathrobe.

Manan ss-the boss and the p.a.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora