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Theo picked at the cheese that had fallen off of his own pizza, quickly lifting his mask just the smallest amount so he could place some of it into his mouth. He caught Ranboo's eye and looked down, wiping his hand on his pants. "Sorry."

"No, it's— I mean, we could just turn a different way from each other to eat?" Ranboo suggested nervously. Theo shrugged, turning to the left and taking his plate with him. Ranboo shuffled so he was facing the right.

"Do you still want to go to an arcade today?" Theo asked after taking a bite of his pizza. "I know a cool one nearby, it's only a ten-minute walk."

"Sure, sounds fun. I just need to text my parents so they know where I'm going," Ranboo agreed. Theo hummed softly.

He could almost pretend that they were in a Discord call together instead of being less than a foot away from each other. His shoulders relaxed at the thought, tension dissipating from his body at the thought. Theo could handle a Discord call. He was in one every single day of his life.

They split the pizza in half, four slices for each of them, warning each other when they were going to turn around to get their next slice so the other could pull up their mask. Theo thought that it might be a little ridiculous, the lengths they were going to hide their faces from each other, but if it made them both feel more comfortable with this meet-up, then who was anyone else to judge?

In just under an hour, the pizza was finished and Theo was relieved that he could now face Ranboo and stop looking like a total idiot. His neck was no longer in pain now that he didn't have to twist it when he was getting another slice of pizza, either, so there was that.

"I like your glasses," Theo noted as they cleaned up their table as best as they could, trying to make the employees' jobs easier.

"Thanks! I like your mask!" Ranboo said cheerfully. Theo smiled. His mask was all black, save for the Spider-Man logo in the bottom right.

Ranboo paid the bill before Theo could even protest, and then they were off, feet hitting the pavement as they headed for the arcade. Ranboo sent his parents a text about where he was going; realizing he had the right idea, Theo texted Techno the same, receiving a thumbs up in reply.

The walk down Union St. turned into the walk down Columbus Ave., the wind pushing against them as they wandered. Ranboo pointed out Stella Pastry, but after a moment of debating, they moved on, deciding not to stop there.

"We already ate," Theo dismissed. "Plus, I don't know, I don't like the look of it." He shrugged.

"Fair enough," Ranboo sighed. "But you owe me a brownie."


They passed by Vallejo St. and Nick's Corner Store, where Ranboo nearly ran into a five-year-old kid who was running around without parental supervision. Theo shepherded the kid toward his parents before Ranboo could even process that he had almost killed a child with his height before he returned to Ranboo's side, shaking his head.

"Try not to kill the children?" Theo suggested.

"He ran into me!" Ranboo protested as they crossed the street with a crowd of people.

They made their way past Europa, making Theo shiver. It had been the hotel he and Techno had stayed at after Theo was outed to his dad, a last-minute type of deal, and Theo would rather sleep outside than at the 1-star hotel again. He and Techno had made fun of it for weeks following their stay, but there was a reason there were over half-a-thousand reviews leaving horrible comments.

They made their way onto Broadway and passed the Beat Museum and Osmanthus Dim Sum Lounge. If they were smarter, they would have eaten closer to the arcade that Theo was leading them to, but truthfully the only thing on his mind had been meeting Ranboo so you couldn't really fault him for not thinking ahead.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄. ranboo (complete)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu