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January 13th, 2021


DESPITE THEIR PLANS NOT SET in stone, Theo remained excited for days — even when he and Ranboo stopped making plans, even when there was no set date or plan to meet up, even when the New Year passed and there was not even a hint of a plan between the two boys, Theo kept that same excitement in his heart.

The feeling did not leave him as he sat in call with Ranboo, Tommy and Tubbo. They were all doing their own thing — he was pretty sure Ranboo was working on homework and Tommy was editing a video, while Tubbo was playing Minecraft. Theo himself was writing down lore ideas for the SMP, too bored to do homework and too tired to boot up a game even though Tubbo had asked if he'd wanted to play Minecraft at the beginning of the call.

". . . Theo, when are we gonna do a mod video together, Big Man?" Tommy asked, breaking the silence that had fallen over the call.

Theo hummed, tapping his pencil against his desk. "Whenever. I'm always down to skip school if need be."

"Just drop out," Tubbo advised.

"That's illegal," Ranboo reminded him. Tubbo grumbled.

"I have one coming up with Techno," Tommy said, ignoring the other two. "Wanna try that one?" Theo hummed in agreement. "Cool."

And it was silent again.

That was the first time Theo and Tommy had talked in what felt like weeks, and it was over as soon as it had started. Theo tried not to let that bring him down, instead focusing more on his character's backstory.

He and Techno had agreed that their characters weren't related in the lore, but Techno was more of a mentor to Theo, training him to be a good fighter; Theo had escaped to Techno's house after Tommy had been exiled, afraid that Dream would come after him next because Theo refused to be a pawn, and in return for shelter, he helped out with the house and gathering materials.

Somewhere along the way, a mentor-mentee relationship had formed, though they both refused to admit that it was more akin to family. As Theo was one of the only people who hadn't betrayed him, and Techno was one of the only people who hadn't used him for something to gain.

Fun Facts about Theo's Character: his hearing in his right ear is completely gone due to the explosions from L'Manburg blowing up; his left leg was hurt during the battle with the Withers and never recovered, making him have a slight limp; he lived in Techno's house for now, not knowing how to build his own, and Techno wasn't going to make a literal child sleep in the snow.

Theo wasn't sure when or if these 'fun facts' were going to be shown in the lore, but he wanted them to be known to the fans. He would probably commission an artist to draw how he saw his character, but that would come when he explored more lore with his character. He wanted to get in touch with Quackity, who had been planning his lore videos for a while now, and figure how the hell he was doing it so well.

Theo didn't know when he'd started to get excited about his Minecraft character's lore, but here he was.

He knew that Dream's character would be going to prison soon, and there was a lot he could do with that idea. Even without joining in the roleplay beforehand, he and Dream had established a brotherly relationship on the SMP, having their own bits and such, which is why it had hurt the fans so much when Theo had ran away because he feared Dream.

Maybe he could talk to Dream and make their characters actual brothers, and—

"Hey," Tubbo suddenly said, pulling Theo from his thoughts. "Have you two made any plans to meet up yet?" His question was directed at Ranboo and Theo, Theo knew.

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄. ranboo (complete)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें