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December 11th, 2020


SUNLIGHT FILTERED INTO THE ROOM, disturbing Theo from a rather peaceful sleep. He groaned, shielding his eyes from the sunlight and turning over onto his other side to face the wall, glaring at the white paint with contempt as he realized that there was no going back to sleep without his black-out curtains. He still had yet to order them even though it's been months, and his old ones had been left behind at his dad's house, and there was no accessing those.

He sat up, stretching his arms above his head and sliding off of his bed. A 14-inch mattress on top of a 9-inch box spring and a frame that didn't need a box spring at all, and Theo found that his bed was a little too high off the ground for his feet to touch the ground. He was only 5'3, after all.

But he wouldn't trade it in for a new bed. Never mind that he didn't want to complain about it, he also liked being off the ground. It made him feel safer in a way, not that he would tell Techno that — then his brother would be all worried about Theo's well-being.

Theo rolled back over and slid out of bed stretching his arms above his head and wincing at the cracking noises that his back and wrists made as he rolled them. He yawned tiredly, grabbing his phone as he headed into the bathroom. It was still too early for Techno to be awake — to be fair, Theo wasn't sure how normal it was for himself to be awake either, but at least he got a quiet house for a few hours.

Except as soon as he walked into the kitchen, he was assaulted with silly string, the smell of chocolate cake, and his older brother shouting, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" at him — at eight in the goddamn morning, no less.

Theo squinted at him through the mess of pink string that irritated his nose. "Huh?" he asked.

Techno rolled his eyes. "You're seventeen! Happy birthday!"

". . . My birthday isn't until December," Theo pointed out.

". . . It is December. December eleventh," Techno told him. Theo narrowed his eyes at him more before checking his phone and seeing that it was currently December 11th, 2021. Which meant that Theodore Patton was officially seventeen years old. One year away from being a legal adult.

He wondered what She had to say about that.

"Oh. So it is," Theo noted. Techno gave him a look. "What? I haven't been keeping track of time, you can't blame me for not realizing," he protested.

"I absolutely can," he deadpanned. He pointed to the dining room table, which was covered in wrapped up gifts, more than Theo ever normally received on Christmas. He supposed that this was Techno's way of making up for everyone who hadn't sent Theo gifts — so, everyone in their family.

Except . . . Techno pointed out a few gifts send from Tubbo, Tommy, Wilbur, Phil, and Kristin. They didn't outnumber the amount of gifts Techno had bought him, but it didn't matter — Theo's heart swelled with appreciation and he hugged Techno tightly out of the blue, smiling at his older brother before dashing over to the table.

Techno sighed. "Only cares about the gifts," he muttered, smiling slightly as he followed.

"Well, what is there to look forward to?" Theo asked suspiciously, having thought that the gifts and cake were the only surprises for his birthday.

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