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December 12th, 2020


ANDIE HAD SHAVED HIS HEAD. That was the very first thing that Theo had noticed when he had opened the door to greet his best (IRL) friend — there was no longer an abundance of tight curls on top of his head, but instead shaved-down black hair. It brought more focus to his smile, which was bright as he looked down on Theo — curse him and his 6'0 height, a whole nine inches taller than Theo.

"You cut your hair!" Theo blurted out.

"You grew yours out," Andie argued. There was a moment of awkward silence before Andie pulled Theo into a hug, Theo's face crushed against his chest. He'd forgotten how strong Andie was, and it seemed that he had continued lifting weights since the last time Theo had seen him.

Theo paused. ". . . Are you wearing Dream merch?" he mumbled, cracking open his eyes to see the neon green sweater he was pressed against.

Andie snickered. "I wanted to embarrass you."

"I hate you," Theo grumbled as he hugged him back. Andie hummed sarcastically.

Theo pulled him into the apartment, yelling to Techno — who had yet to get up that day — that Andie was there before the two boys darted into Theo's room.

"Whoa," Andie said simply.

Ever since he'd started getting a considerable income — and since Techno refused to let Theo pay him any money for bills except for half of the internet bill — Theo had splurged on the room of his dreams.

His bed was tucked into the corner of the room, high off the ground; across from the foot of the bed was his TV, high up on the wall so Theo didn't have to hurt his neck while laying in bed to watch it; connected to that TV was a PS4 and an array of games, most of them belonging to the Uncharted series; against the wall opposite of his bed was his desk, with two monitors and his computer that he used for streaming.

"Welcome to my humble home," Theo mumbled with embarrassment. Techno was the only one who had seen his room, if only because Theo wasn't embarrassed because Techno's room had the same amount of 'rich kid' stuff, if not more. But having someone else see his things made Theo want to curl up into a ball and die.

"How the hell do you get onto the bed?" Andie asked,  walking over to stand by it. It was up to his hips, meaning it was to Theo's mid-torso area. "There isn't a ladder or a footstool, so what's your secret?"

Theo moved closer to the bed, putting his hands onto the mattress. He put one foot onto the edge of the frame and pushed himself up, putting his other knee onto the mattress and pulling himself up the rest of the way. He looked at Andie as he sat down on the mattress, grinning at him.

"So you have to nearly break your legs," Andie deadpanned, hopping onto the bed with ease. Theo glared at him before sighing and nodding. "I'll buy you a ladder."

"I don't need no fucking ladder," Theo argued, doing his best to imitate Tommy. Andie raised his eyebrows like he knew exactly what Theo was doing, which Theo supposed wasn't strange considering Andie was a fan of the SMP.

"So that's your streaming stuff?" Andie asked, nodding to the computer set up. Theo nodded. "Why don't you use your PS4?"

"Too much work," Theo dismissed. "Though I would love to stream Uncharted at some point. Maybe I'll film a video for it," he said with a shrug. "At least I wouldn't have to worry about setting up a facecam."

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