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October 24th, 2021


"TOMMY!" THEO HEARD TUBBO YELL. "PUT MY FUCKING TRIPOD BACK!" In a softer voice, he added, "Please put the tripod back." Theo poked his head outside of the kitchen to see what was going on and quickly realized that the others had started a stream on Tubbo's channel—Theo thanked whatever God was out there that he wasn't in frame at that moment, without his mask and glasses, before he quickly put on the disguise.

"A warning would have been nice," he grumbled as he passed Tubbo, squeezing past Billzo's seat so he could sit beside Ranboo.

"We did warn you!" Aimsey argued as Tubbo argued with Tommy about the tripod being messed up. "We said we were starting the stream and you said okay!"

"Yeah, but I wasn't, like, listening!" Theo admitted. Aimsey shook her head fondly.

"First impressions of everyone?" Billzo cut in, reading a question from chat. "I fucking hate this kid," he announced, pointing at Tommy.

"We needed some fucking tape for these headphones," Tubbo said, continuing to talk and ignoring Billzo's question.

Tommy chose that moment to blast Oh Yeah, You Gonna Cry? through the headphones, making Theo tear out the one in his ear that he was meant to be sharing with Ranboo. Everything was already too loud—with everyone shouting at each other and the music playing through the headphones, Theo's ears were already ringing.

"Tommy," Ranboo muttered, nudging the boy on his right. Tommy glanced at him and then at Theo, seeing the almost-glazed-over look in Theo's eyes, and nodded, turning the music lower but not cutting it off completely so chat didn't become suspicious. Theo shot him a grateful look even though Tommy couldn't see his eyes.

Everyone was having their own conversations—Tubbo was insistently trying to get Aimsey to take off her beanie—but Theo had to force himself to focus on Tommy and Ranboo's conversation, which consisted of nothing more than vague dick jokes that made Theo roll his eyes. The stream was already chaotic enough as it was without Tommy and Ranboo putting their energy together.

When things seemed to settle around Theo, he turned his attention to Tubbo, the host of the stream. "Okay, so," Tubbo began, pulling his microphone closer to him. "Do you— I'll give the rundown of what we're doing today. We're gonna start off with just, like, chilling here, talking for, like— because we've got some, we're got some stories," he said. "The donuts."

"Oh, God," Theo muttered.

Billzo faked a shiver. "The donuts," he confirmed gravely.

"So, we're gonna start off by just hanging, doing a bit of chatting," Tubbo continued. "Then around the thirty-minute mark we're gonna move on to doing apple bobbing— obviously Ranboo and Theo will be sitting this one out," he added, not wanting the chat to get their hopes up. "That'll probably be around an hour."

"What? How long does it take to bob for apples?" Theo questioned.

Freddie looked over at him with raised eyebrows. "Have you met this group?"

Theo hummed, sitting back. "Fair enough," he conceded.

"After that," Tubbo cut in, "we're gonna move on to donut— hanging?" Everyone turned to look at him. "Whatever it's called?"

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