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January 28th, 2021

CW: vomiting, being sick


ONE OF THE WORST days of his life started at four in the morning. Theo woke up, not knowing why, and found himself promptly rushing to the bathroom, every instinct in his body urging him to hurry. He fell to his knees hard in front of the toilet just as he coughed up dinner from the night before, his stomach twisting. There was a pause that Theo took to suck in a few breaths, tears streaming down his cheeks, before he gagged again.

The whole ordeal took less than a minute, but Theo knew it wasm't over. Every time he'd thrown up over the years — always on a random day for no reason. He didn't have food poisoning, he wasn't sick, he didn't hurt himself — he'd had to go to the hospital overnight because his body couldn't even keep water down, forcing him to throw up even his stomach acid ever twenty minutes or so.

Theo sniffled, wiping his nose with his sleeve, spitting into the toilet so the taste wasn't left in his mouth. He let out a small whine, knowing it was going to be a long day, especially with the little bit of sleep that he'd had the night before.

"Tech," Theo whispered, voice hoarse. He shakily got to his feet, knees complaining from the rough treatment they'd been through earlier, and stumbled out of the bathroom, eyes locked on his brother's door. "Tech? Techno?" He felt like he was four-years-old again, running to his parents after throwing up at 3 a.m. but being intercepted by Techno, who had always been a night owl, and being taken care of instead by his older brother.

He wanted his older brother.

Theo weakly knocked on the door, leaning his forehead against the wall beside the door. "Tech," he whines. He heard Floof let out a bark of concern from behind the door, the dog having always preferred sleeping in Techno's room. Theo knew that he could just open the door — neither he nor Techno had locks on the doors, both of them knowing to wait for permission to come in before they did.

"Heh?" Theo heard Techno's muffled question from behind the door. Was it possible that Techno was still up? He didn't sound very asleep. "Theo?"

"Yeah," Theo rasped.

Techno opened the door, and it was obvious he hadn't been sleeping. He was still in his day clothes for fuck's sake. Techno took one look at Theo before he sighed. "Ah, kid. Come on," he said, helping Theo into his bed. "Stay there. If you need to throw up, I'd rather you do it in the bathroom, but the bed would be a lot better than the floor because I could actually change the sheets," Techno said, voice getting fainter has he headed to the kitchen.

Floof sat by Theo's leg, looking up at him. Theo smiled shakily at the dog.

For the moment, his stomach felt like; he was shivering and sweating and he felt like if he closed his eyes for too long he would pass out, but his stomach felt normal, which meant he had about another twnety minutes before he had to throw up again. Theo waited patiently for Techno to come back, wondering what his brother was doing.

Techno came back with a plastic bag and a bottle of Sprite for Theo, setting them on the nightstand. He pressed a hand against Theo's forehead, humming. "Doens't seem like a fever. Probably just that thing you always do once a year, because it wasn't the food from last night, I'm not sick from it." Theo nodded quietly. "Alright, I— you gotta stay home today, kid. Might even have to go to the hospital if you can't keep any water down."

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