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September 14th, 2021


WHEN WILBUR PICKED THEM UP, Tommy was already sitting in the backseat, behind Wilbur's seat; Tubbo called shotgun, and being the smallest meant a loss of seat rights, so Theo was stuck between Tommy and Ranboo in a cramped, tiny-ass car that Wilbur insisted he knew how to drive.

Maybe he should start at the beginning.

It was September 14th, Wilbur's 25th birthday, and they were going to have lunch. 'They' being Tubbo, Ranboo, Theo, Tommy, Wilbur, and Lovejoy. A casual restaurant was chosen, Wilbur's favorite little cafe tucked between two major chain restaurants, and Wilbur insisted on driving the four teen boys that were going to join them, since Tommy didn't have his license, Theo and Ranboo couldn't legally drive in the UK, and no one trusted Tubbo to drive them anywhere.

"Why's Tommy in the back?" Ranboo asked as Wilbur pulled out of Tubbo's driveway.

Tommy grumbled under his breath. Wilbur grinned. "He was being a bitch. My car, my rules"

"It's Joe's car!" Tommy protested. "You're just renting it!"

Wilbur shrugged. "Next time don't play Road Trip at full volume five times in a row," he said.

"I like Road Trip," Ranboo mused.

"My favorite is Mask," Theo said with a shrug.

"What's your favorite Wilbur song?" Tommy asked.

Wilbur sighed. "Tommy," he warned, "stop bragging about my music in front of me."

"Sex Sells if we're talking Lovejoy. Just Wilbur, though, that one is Your Sister Was Right." Theo told Tommy, ignoring Wilbur's protests over being praised.

"You, Theo, have good taste," Tommy said. His gaze seemed to slide behind Theo, where Ranboo was sitting, scrolling through Twitter. "Mostly."

Theo's brows furrowed. "Mostly?" he asked.

Tommy shrugged. "Your choice of clothes is horrendous. I know you have George merch, why are you wearing Sapnap's?"

Theo scoffed, lightly shoving Tommy away. "Oh, fuck off, it's comfortable! And it was free, so I don't want to hear it!"

The two teen boys bickered over Theo's taste in clothes all the way to the restaurant, much to the chagrin of their companions. It got to the point where even Ranboo was annoyed, putting in his headphones to ignore the sound of Theo arguing that Sapnap's merch was much better than Dream's in terms of design, while Tommy argued in favor that George beat both of them by a mile.

It was almost a relief to pull up to the restaurant, Tubbo and Ranboo scrambling out of the car as Wilbur put it into park. Wilbur shot Theo and Tommy a look that said be nice before he ushered the four teens into a booth inside, where Lovejoy was already sitting.

Theo sat next to Ash, who nodded at him in greeting; Theo nodded back, feeling like he was being initiated into some cool-guys-who-nod club, especially when Joe lifted his chin in greeting. Theo tried to do the same, feeling like an idiot — and probably looking like one, too, if Tubbo's snicker was anything to go by.

"Happy birthday, Wilba!" Mark greeted. Wilbur's cheeks were dusted a faint pink from embarrassment, realizing that Lovejoy had most definitely informed the staff that Wilbur was having his birthday there — or, at least, Mark had, judging by the shit-eating grin on his face. Which meant that the staff was going to feel obligated to come to sing Wilbur happy birthday in front of the entire restaurant. Theo cringed at the thought.

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