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October 15th, 2021


HE KNEW ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS. Anyone who didn't was either blind or homophobically ignorant, because the way Ranboo and Theo looked at each other told Tubbo—someone who, in his own words, at the emotional range of a rock—everything he needed to know about their crushes on each other.

Theo was reserved about his feelings, only looking at Ranboo with doe-like eyes when he was sure that no one else was watching him. He got easily embarrassed by any affection Ranboo showed him. especially when it could be taken as romantic to anyone else but Theo. Whenever Ranboo spoke, all of Theo's attention was on him, like he was the sun in a dark universe.

Ranboo, however, was open about his feelings. He looked at Theo was such admiration that Tubbo could feel it in waves. He liked to hold Theo's hand, using the excuse of the 'buddy system' as if Tubbo couldn't tell that Ranboo was hopelessly in love with Theo. He held Theo during the night and day whenever Theo would allow him to, and he always had a shoulder for Theo to lay on whenever he wanted.

And yet they were friends. That's what they called themselves—friends. Best friends. Besties.

Tubbo had a different word for it—idiots.

Theo had a crush on Ranboo before they'd even spoken a word to each other. Ranboo always listened to Theo and made him feel understood. Theo carved time out of his day for Ranboo, back before they were in the UK together, and Tubbo was sure that Ranboo talked about Theo more than Techno did.

They were idiots in love and Tubbo had to deal with the consequences.

During the first week of their stay, Tubbo had tried to set them up on a date—keyword being tried. He took them to see a movie, some random romance film he thought would suit them, and then made an excuse to go to the bathroom and hid there for the entire two hours, since he was the one that had driven them there in the first place. He'd been so sure that they would have at least held hands, but when they exited the theater after the movie there was still a foot of space between them. They were more concerned about Tubbo 'feeling sick' than they were about their date.

To be fair, he didn't exactly tell them it was a date.

The following week was the same as the first—the three of them went out to a restaurant, Tubbo made an excuse about having to pick Lani up from her friend's house, and then he hoped and prayed that the two boys would get over themselves and maybe take each other on an actual date.

They had bought Tubbo lunch and brought it out to the car.

And it's not like Tubbo could talk about this stuff with anyone else—Tommy always acted weird whenever Tubbo brought up Ranboo and Theo (Tubbo would soon learn why); he didn't talk to Techno that often and didn't want to discuss Theo's crush with Theo's older brother anyway; Phil told him to let Ranboo and Theo work it for themselves, and Wilbur said he'd prefer not talking about the teenage crushes of his friends.

Maybe he should let them figure this out for themselves.

But then they started holding hands—the 'buddy system,' Ranboo had called it—and Tubbo let his hopes get high again. Theo let himself lean into Ranboo more, be more open about his feelings even when he knew that Tubbo was watching them from across the room (what else was he supposed to look at, his phone?). Ranboo didn't even blink when Theo curled up to his side and fell asleep, and Tubbo let himself think they were finally on the right track.

Then Ranboo danced with that girl.

Tubbo remembered the night of the party well; people were underage drinking, which wouldn't normally mess him up so much if he wasn't trying to impress his friends. He could tell Theo especially was uncomfortable, but he didn't make the connection to Harriet at all; still, the three of them remained at the party. Tubbo remembered the panic that closed around his heart when Ranboo found him an hour later and said he couldn't find Theo anywhere.

Their messages went unread, their calls unanswered, and it wasn't until Tommy texted him that Theo was heading over to his house did Tubbo relax. They wouldn't see Theo for another two days, and Tubbo was in charge of damage control with Ranboo until then, making sure that Ranboo didn't work himself into a panic attack. It was the night before Theo and Tommy arrived that Ranboo finally admitted it—he heard Theo and Phil talking about Theo's crush on Ranboo.

For a moment, Tubbo's heart twisted, thinking that Ranboo didn't like Theo back. Why else wouldn't he act on it?

"I'm scared, Toby," Ranboo said softly, and Tubbo understood.

He'd been scared when he'd had his first crush on a boy, too.

Ranboo was scared of ruining the precious friendship he had with Theo; if they broke up, so many things would be divided, and Ranboo would lose his best friend.

Tubbo flicked his arm and called him an idiot before he hugged Ranboo tight, assuring him that Tubbo would never choose between his friends—and that Ranboo was daft if he even thought about not asking Theo out. That's when Ranboo told him about how he had danced with a girl who he was sure was named Emma, accepting her offer to join her right in front of Theo. Tubbo nearly slapped him then, but he managed to bite his tongue about the subject when Ranboo explained that it was the first time he was able to go out in public without his signature mask on and not be worried about being seen.

Tubbo understood, maybe, but he still thought it was dumb to accept a stranger's request to dance in front of your mutual crush.

Tommy finally came around, getting over his crush on Theo—well, mostly, anyway. But Tubbo still took the chance to rant to him over their text messages—he couldn't risk Ranboo and Theo hearing him—about how frustrated he was over his lack of progress in his quest to get Ranboo and Theo together. Tommy called him an idiot and then confessed that he told Theo to get his head out of his ass and ask Ranboo out already.

Everybody but the two boys in question could see how much they meant to each other.

Tubbo was sure that he would have a brain aneurysm if he had to spend another day surrounded by their tension.

"Theo!" Ranboo laughed as the shorter boy collapsed next to him, nose buried in a book that Tubbo didn't care enough to read the name of. "Bad chapter?"

"This stupid motherfucker- Jeremy is so annoying, how did Lucas ever love him, Jesus fucking Christ," Theo rambled, closing his book with a sharp snap and throwing it to the other side of the couch. "I hate them!"

Ranboo smiled, soft and loving, and Tubbo felt like punching someone—specifically Theo and Ranboo, the two most idiotic friends Tubbo has ever had the unfortunate luck of meeting.

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