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March 19th, 2021


THE DAY THEO CAME OUT to Phil, he was feeling scared. It was only his third time speaking with the older man, who still had no idea why he had been kicked out and Techno had followed to take care of him, but Phil was kind and fatherly and Theo had blurted it out during Phil trying to show him how to use OBS for streaming — and to his surprise, Phil had immediately accepted him and told him now everything made sense, and Theo had Phil in his corner all the way.

When he came out to Will, he was feeling happy. He had just come away from his first-ever stream, and due to Techno tweeting about it, Theo had hit thousands of viewers in the span of five minutes — but to him, the viewer count was hidden and he was talking to Techno and Will during the stream, giving him no time to process the sheer number of people that were watching him until after the stream. Techno had needed to take Floof out, so it was just Will and Theo left in the call, and Theo had told him — "I'm gay, you know."

"Cool," Will said, and that was the end of it.

Theo had never been in a call with just Phil and Will before.

There was always Tommy, Techno, Tubbo, and now Ranboo that were with them — more often than not, they all called together these days. It was rare that it was only three of them, and it had never been these three specific people in a call, but Techno had to make lunch and Theo didn't want to leave and make it seem like he didn't like the two of them, so he stayed, even when the silence became awkward after Will and Phil realized he was still there after they'd spent five minutes talking to each other and excluding him.

"So . . . how's school going?" Will asked.

"Oh, my God," Phil muttered.

"I hate it. How's writing a happy song going?" Theo asked, smirking.

"You little shit," Will grumbled. Theo grinned.

"Mans just doesn't have anything to take inspiration from," Phil said as he leaned back in his chair. "He's lonely Will."

"Oi, fuck off, old man," Will said, switching to his 'Australian' accent that he liked to do from time to time. Theo groaned in response, hating the sound of it, which only encouraged Will to continue using it. "Ah, Theo, mate, how's the wife?"

"I'm gay, Will," Theo deadpanned.


Phil and Theo burst out laughing at the 'Australian' pogchamp that Will let out. Will laughed with then, his glasses nearly falling off his face as he leaned forward, clapping his hands together to show his enjoyment of his own joke making his friends laugh.

"Honestly, though, do you need inspiration for the song?" Theo asked. "I have some other songs I can recommend that have the vibe you're going for."

"Eh, I'm probably just not meant to write a love song," Will admitted. "I've never been in love."

". . . Oh," Phil said simply.

". . . I like Ranboo, you know," Theo blurted before the call could fall into an awkward silence.

There was a pause before Phil chuckled. "Great. You're officially the last to know."

Theo smiles sightly, his shoulders releasing some of the tension they'd taken on. "Techno said the same thing," he said, glancing at Will, who was still quiet and looked to be in thought. Theo was nervous for a moment before remembering that Will was a good guy who, at the very least, wouldn't say something bad in front of Phil, never mind at all.

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