Stylist Noona Pt 92 (Oh, Baby) (Fluffy)

Start from the beginning

"Hi, I was told the rings I ordered were ready."

"What's the name?" The sharply dressed clerk asks.


"Oh yes yes. The custom ones!" He says brightly, "A beautiful set, I set it down somewhere..." His voice trails as he examines the shelf behind the counter. "Aha! Here we are. I'm sure you'll be quite pleased."

He sets the long tray on the counter displaying the 8 rings. 7 of them plain black, and one much smaller, thinner black band with a solitairy amethyst stone. They gleam under the bright store lights.

"May I?" You hesitate to touch something so beautiful.

"By all means." He picks one up and holds it out for you.

Gingerly you take it, turning it over in your hands revealing the inner ring of purple. They had to be discrete so the army doesn't automatically think they are wedding rings. Which they kind of are, but also not, but no one else needs to know that.

"Black tungsten steel on the outside and purple gold alloy on the inside, they are very well made. You'll never need to worry about them tarnishing. And I assume," He picks up the small one, trading it for the one in your hand. "This would be yours."

"Yes," You breathe, getting slightly emotional as you slip the ring on. The small stone, atop the thin band, glitters, bringing you near to tears. Not that you could ever truly marry the guys, but the commitment represented on your finger now, hits you hard. In the best way of course.

"Everything to your satisfaction then?" The salesman asks, drawing you out of your emotions.

"Yes. Yes, everything is perfect." You put the ring back down on the tray quickly to avoid more waterworks than you're already holding back. "Would you be able to put them each in separate boxes?"

"Of course, I will wrap them up for you. If you'd be so kind, to step over to my colleague here, we can have you on your way as soon as I bring them back." He gestures with a nod, and an elbow to a woman standing near a register.

"All set dear?"She beckons.

A pit deepens in your stomach and it's not the baby's fault this time.

You knew these would cost a pretty won or two, but you had avoided looking at the price.

"I am."

She clacks away at the keyboard and you tap your foot nervously.

She tells you the price and you choke a little and dig into your purse for your wallet.

Oh shit.


Where is it??? You never take it out of your purse.

Except apparently you had.

"Excuse me one moment, I believe I left my wallet in the car." She nods gracefully and you quickly exit the shop and dash back to the car.

"What's wrong?" Sanggyeol asks as you tear your side of the car apart.

"I can't find my wallet."

"That's not good. Maybe it's back at the house." He suggests, starting to search between the console and the seat.

"I'm sure it is, but there's no time to run back and get it, they close in 20 minutes. I'll have to come back tomorrow." Defeated you shut the car door and turn to go back in and notify the staff.

"Wait!" Sanggyeol shouts, leaping out of the car and jogging over. "How much was the total?"

You cringe telling him, but he just shrugs.

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