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   Rel and Scott flew through the sky. They had both gotten used to flying together at this point and Rel was laughing at something Scott said. They flew over fields of corrupted things as they flew towards a random set of coordinates that Katherine had told them to go to.
They soared down to land on the ground, Scott's feet touched down on the ground before Rel's and they put their feet down on solid ground next to Scott. Flapping their wings a few times to gain their balance.
Scott glanced around them at the small valley between the mountains. Rel and Scott had been hard at work trying to remove the Corruption from Rivendell. All but one of their efforts failed.


"Aeor, please help us. The corruption has spread to all of the Rivendell farms and we are living off of our last reserved of uncorrupted food. Rivendell needs food to live. Please Aeor. Help us." Scott kneeled on the ground as he felt the same tingling sensation in his horns. There was a flash of light and the alter remained empty.
"Another failed attempt?" Rel was standing in front of Scott as he exited the church.
"Yeah..." Scott replied. Streaks of orange and pink painted the sky as the sun started to set over the mountains.
"Let's get some sleep, maybe things will be different in the morning." Rel smiled as Scott pulled them into a hug, burying his face in their chest. He nodded slightly. The pair walked hand in hand back down the path to the palace.

Scott yawned, stretching his arms as the sunlight from the window warmed his face. A gentle pair of arms rested around his body and his head rested on the person's chest. He slowly moved his arm up to push his hair out of his face as he turned his head up. Rel was lying under him. Their brown hair messy from sleep and their face peaceful. Scott gently moved Rel's arms away from his chest and swung his feet out of bed, letting them rest on the cool wooden floors for a moment. He heard a groan from behind him and saw Rel's eyes open, glazed with sleep.
"Morning Frostbite" They said quietly, rolling over in bed. Scott stepped out of bed his silk pants grazing the floors as he stood. He shivered slightly as his bare chest was exposed to the open air from the window.
"Good Morning Icicle" He said, pulling on a soft blue wool shirt and tossing a green one to Rel. Scott stepped out into the balcony hugging himself to preserve body heat as he looked out over Rivendell. A blanket was placed on his shoulders and a pair of arms wrapped around his waist.
"You looked cold, it snowed last night." Snow dusted the rooftops of Rivendell as the pair stood on the balcony, their bare feet sticking to the frozen wood floors. Scott's eyes glanced at the crystal tower, catching view of the blood red crystal hovering at the top. He glanced to the right, his eye catching on a flicker of gold. At the corner of the royal farms there seemed to be golden wheat swaying in the mountain wind.
"Rel!" Scott turned to look at Rel who was fluffing up their wings and wrapping them around their body to keep themself warm.
"Hm?" They looked up at him, the wind blowing their hair out of their face.
"Wheat!" Rel looked shocked as ran towards the edge of the balcony, jumping over the railing and diving down. They reappeared flapping towards the farms and Scott sighed, leaning his elbows on the railing, waiting for their return.


Rel flapped their wings, shivering at the biting cold of the atmosphere and their thin night clothing. They hovered over the fields in shock. All of the crops were restored and there were already joyful workers harvesting the seemingly endless wheat. At the center of the field grew a large golden carrot, that shone in the rising sun. Rel did a flip in the air to turn around and flapped back to Scott to tell him the good news.

*end of flashback*

Scott and Rel stood underneath a hanging cage. It was built completely of obsidian and hung from a sturdy chain from an overhanging rock. Lady Katherine and Professor Gemini were already sitting below it. Katherine's flowered skirt piled around her and her hair fell down her back in loose black curls, a few leaves stuck out of her hair randomly. Gem was wearing her normal purple cloak, which rested on the ground behind her. She wore a light green tunic with a brown belt at the waist, and light brown pants. Her staff sat on its side alone with her long pointed purple hat.
"Hello your Majesties!" Rel bowed as they came up to the two empresses.
"No need for that Rel! You are a friend!" Katherine exclaimed, Gem smiled and nodded. Scott smiled at the three.
"KING SCOOT" A small voice yelled as a little bullet of a fairy plummeted down towards him. Scott barely had time to react before a small girl landed not so gracefully on his shoulders. Scott chuckled.
"Hey little doe" He reached behind his head and tickled the little girl, who fluttered her wings a little bit and landed on the ground, running to Rel.
"HIIII REL!" She yelled jump-fluttering up into Rel's arms for a hug. Rel wrapped their arms around the small girl.
"Hey Lily! How are you?" Scott smiled at the interaction before turning to his fellow rulers, nodding to Rel. He walked over and sat next to them.


Rel laughed as Lily jumped into their arms,
"Hi Lily! How are you?" Lily smiled,
"I'm doing great! I flew all the way to to that rocky thing!" Scott nodded at Rel. That meant that everything was good and to continue what they were doing.
"That is great Lily! Do you want to go on a fly with me?" Rel flexed their wings. Putting Lily on the ground. She fluttered her wings slightly, lifting herself a little bit off the ground. "I want to see your flying"
"Ooh okay! But I can't fly far because my wings haven't completely developed yet. It has only been 6 months since I got them." Rel smiled,
"I know but you need to stretch the muscles." Lily nodded, the smile never leaving her face. Rel widened their wingspan fully, letting the mountain wind flutter the feathers. Lily tried to copy them, but her wings were made of a smooth material like butterfly wings, not feathers. Rel flapped their wings, shooting up in the air and continuously flapping their wings in order to hover. Lily flapped her wings hard, causing herself to shoot into the air similar to Rel, however she had never done that before and lost her balance. She flicked out her small wings and floated until she found her balance. Rel flew below her in case she fell, but Lily quickly found her balance and righted herself in the air. Fluttering her wings to stay in the air. Rel flapped and moved to hover in front of the small girl.
"Are you alright?"
"Yep!" Lily exclaimed, doing a little flip in the air and wobbling a bit. "Can you do that?"

AN: A little Lily and Rel moment. This was more of a filler chapter but I wanted to get it out before finals started because I will be inactive for a bit. From this Friday through next Friday, I will be pretty inactive. I may update once or twice but overall school is crazy. Love y'all!

~Syre 🧜🏻‍♀️

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