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Trigger Warnings: Blood, slight gore

Lizzie gaped at Gem before slowly lifting her hands up to her hair and tying it back in a long ponytail with a strand of seaweed.
"We can't let that happen, what is the plan?" Pix landed, not so gracefully, beside Lizzie.
"What is going on? Why did you stop?"
"We can't kill the dragon," Pix looked confused but his face hardened as Gem explained the situation.
"We need to replace the crystals, they heal the dragon." Pix nodded and Lizzie gazed at the large island. Rel and Scott were stood atop a pillar as Scott pulled something out of his bag and placed it down on the bedrock pedestal. A huge purple crystal erupted from the small thing causing Scott to almost fall off of the pillar, Rel caught him.
Jimmy stood in the center of the the island fighting a determined Katherine as she dipped and swooped around him. Joel still flew around the obsidian pillars, shooting the crystals with his bow as Shubble was being carried by FWhip on his large wings, around to the pillars replacing the crystals, just like Rel and Scott. Lizzie sighed, turning to Pix and Gem.
"I can change Jimmy's mind but Joel is too far out of reach for me. If you give me some of those crystals, Pix, if you are okay with it, can carry me up to replace them." Gem nodded before pulling a pouch out of her pocket and handing it to Lizzie.
"I will try and stop Joel. Go gettem." Lizzie nodded before she felt Pix grab her under her arms, lifting her up and flying her to the center of the island. His wings creaked and Lizzie went pale. She never liked flying, she much preferred the water.
Jimmy was losing badly to Katherine. She had the high ground and he was already hurt. He was limping on one leg and a cut ran across his forehead. Katherine had a large gash in her leg that slowly oozed blood.
"Jimmy!" Pix gently set Lizzie on the ground as she ran over and held Jimmy back from attacking Katherine more. His face was set into determination as he struggled against Lizzie's firm hold. "You are fighting the wrong people!" Katherine flapped her large wings slightly as she slowly lowered herself to the ground, flinching as her right leg came into contact with the ground.
"What do you mean Liz?" Lizzie explained the situation to Jimmy as the four rulers made their way to the edge of the island, where Katherine could help heal anyone that was hurt. Her leg was already starting to knit itself back together although it still hurt to put pressure on it. Jimmy had his arms slung over Lizzie and Pix's shoulders and they hobbled over to the edge, where they carefully set Jimmy down and Katherine got to work explaining the situation and healing his forehead and ankle.
"Ready Lizzie?" Pix asked, flexing his metallic wings. Lizzie nodded, letting herself be pulled up into the air, her legs dangling down as the ground receded below her. They approached a pillar with no crystal, and Pix set Lizzie down on the edge before flying around the pillar to protect her from any incoming attacks from Joel. Although he didn't think Joel would attack his wife.
Lizzie pulled a small purple gem from the bag, placing it on the bedrock pedestal and watching as the crystal exploded into being. Pix landed next to her as a large popping sound was heard from the edge of the island. Pix and Lizzie locked eyes before looking back down at where the popping sound came from. Two dark figures appeared over the edge of the island. Their auras radiated darkness.
   One wore dark red clothing with maroon cheetah print and a maroon colored cape. A large pointed crown of corruption sat on his head of brown hair and his eyes were bright red. He held a red sword in his hand and an evil smirk on his face. It was Joey. Next to his stood an older man with dark brown hair and the same red eyes as Joey. A dark golden crown sat on his head and a dark red cape flowed down his back he wore a loose green shirt that was tucked into his brown pants and he wore tall dark green boots. Shadows seemed to engulf his face as he walked with Joey. Both of them had dark shadow-like wings that extended behind them. In synchronized flaps they both rose off of the ground and soared into the air, shooting all of the replaced crystals within seconds. The three teams of people replacing the crystals tried desperately to replace them before Joey and Sausage could shoot them. They failed miserably as the dragon started to take damage.


Rel flew with Scott to the top of the tallest obsidian pillar, setting him down gently before landing themselves. They looked up as the dragon started to take damage from the three rulers fighting it. Scott lay a a comforting hand on Rel's shoulder as they both stared at the fight.
Suddenly, Gem appear from thin air, tackling Joel to the ground and pinning him down. She leaned forward and said something to him yet he still struggled. After a bit of talking between the two, Joel stopped struggling and walked away towards the medical area where Jimmy, Katherine, and Shubble sat.
   Rel scanned the island to see that Jimmy was holding his cod head and FWhip was standing next to him, talking to him. Lizzie and Pixl were standing on the pillar opposite of Rel and Scott, watching the fight unfold as Gem tried desperately to stop them. She was faltering in the air as her exhaustion seemed to catch up with her. Rel's mouth set into a hard line as they made up their mind. They grabbed Scott and soared down, placing him gently on the ground near the med area before flapping their large wings and flying up next to Gem, their bow held at the ready.
   They crashed into Sausage latching onto his back as they shot an arrow at Joey. Rel saw FWhip fly up next to Gem and help her to the ground before flying back up to help Rel, his large wing flapping.
   "Let go of me" Sausage growled, elbowing them in the side, but Rel refused to give in. They pulled a dagger from their belt and tried to hit Sausage with it. They successfully struck a few blows, injuring Sausage's stomach and cutting a small hash on his cheek. They had the upper hand.
   Suddenly a resounding thud echoed through he stillness of the End and time seemed to slow as the great body of the dragon fell to the ground, lifeless.

AN: Hey my beautiful Mers! I apologize for my absence. This has happened once before where Wattpad blocks me out for no reason. I hope you all are doing alright and don't worry, there will be another chapter coming out shortly.
Love y'all!
~Syre 🧜🏻‍♀️

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