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"Something bad is 'bout
to happen to me,I don't know
what,but I feel it coming"
Dark red-Steve Lacy

"Something bad is 'bout to happen to me,I don't know what,but I feel it coming"Dark red-Steve Lacy

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The Monet Family,one of the biggest mafia's I've heard of.

To cut it short,they aren't a big fan of the Romano's.

A few hours earlier

"Guys you know what we should do?"I turn on my heels with a wide grin on my face.facing the two boys.

They are both wearing glasses but it's almost sunset time.

"What should we do cupcake?"Liam asks me,calling me by that random nickname.I have asked him why he calls me that and every time he says,"when the time is right."

"We should get some ice-cream and stargaze."I declare.It actually one of my favourite things to do back at home,but I can't really do it on a hill or flower garden as much since I'm a Romano.

A lot of people think being in a mafia is so cool and whatever and I mean sometimes it is,the money,private jets,parties,houses and stuff but other times,majority of the time,it's not as fun.

It's the same routine,go to school and come back home straight after and believe me at school it's not my alone time,there are guards that watch me and Ric doesn't know that I know,but I do know.

Also I have lost many people cause of the dangers of the mafia,I have watched people die and get tortured.The first time I saw someone die was when I was 6 years old,my father had killed a man that betrayed the family.

If was one of the guards,Marco.He was the only guard that would play with me.

I watched my father shoot him right between the eyes,Riccardo standing right next to him.

I wanted to cry so I ran back upstairs and locked myself in my room.No one till this day knows that Marco was the first dead body.

I was tutored for most of my childhood,in fact my entire childhood.But there was a time when I was 8 and I begged my mom ti allow me ti go to school.

She says yes after 4 months of begging .

I went to school with a smile on my face and enjoyed it,for the most part.When I walked past ,kids would whisper things.That same day when I was eating my lunch,one of the kids came to me and was like,"Haven't you eaten enough you elephant?"

Which made everyone laugh so I ran away crying.A black van came and took me because of my name and tied me up.

One of them slapped me and they kept shouting at me.When my father came to rescue me,I didn't speak the whole way back home.

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