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"But I crumble completely
when you cry"
505-Artic Monkeys

My brother and I are very close,yeah he can be a pain in the ass but he is my pain in the ass

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My brother and I are very close,yeah he can be a pain in the ass but he is my pain in the ass.

He practically raised me.

As we drive to where the tunnels start,I jump out and as I'm about to run in,Louis grabs my waist and pushes me back.

Riccardo runs out and then a boom sounds.

A sound escapes my mouth,a cry or a scream or maybe a gasp?

This isn't real.It's a dream-no a nightmare
that I'm going to wake up from.Anty isn't dead.

I crash to my knees when another boom rings and sob loudly."Anty...you promised you wouldn't leave me and you-"

Louis holds me in his arms and cradles me back and forth,shushing me and rubbing my freezing arm.

Louis is my best friend,he has been there through my worst and best times.I don't talk much only giving a few side comments or whatever scared that if I speak too much,they might get bored of me.

But that's when it's a lot of people.Antonio always tried to make me realise that no one could get bored of me and was the first person I came out to.

Riccardo took us in and we are his family and he is mine,but now I've lost my blood and home.

Camilie comes and tells me it's going to be okay but truth be told,it isn't.

I look up at Riccardo and see fire reflecting in his eyes.He stared at it with an unreadable expression which is odd since I can read people easily.

See being the quietest and most responsible you learn to read people,posture,face,what they say.

But Ric isn't looking too good,last he was like this,it was a bloodbath.

I mean they don't call him king for nothing...

I wipe my tears and take a deep breath then out.I look around and see two people missing well in fact three.This was a rescue mission to save my brother,Liam and Rafal.

Wasn't Maeve with them,she did give the order.

"Where's Maeve and Rafal and Liam?"I ask,my voice breaking at the end so I clear my throat.Riccardo doesn't respond just looks at the fire a blaze.

They say fire is dangerous but looking at Riccardo right now,he is much more dangerous.

Everyone looks at him and when he speaks,his voice is foreign.It's cold and cruel,a voice I haven't heard since Maeve came.

He only did that voice to those who disappointed him,never to us,his family.

"Rafal is dead,they killed him.His throat slit,Liam was taken for vengeance and Maeve Miller tried to save your brother,Antonio but they didn't fucking make it."

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