22. The Time Is Now

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Just a quick note to say happy Valentine's Day. I appreciate every one of you beautiful people! Don't forget to comment!

Precious's POV

My hand strokes his hair, memorizing the texture, the length of each strand that comes into contact. I smile to myself. If he was awake, he would have a fit right now, saying how I'm messing up his hair. 

My smile stops short.

If he were awake.

The tears I try to suppress sting my eyes. 

"My baby. My Ethan. Wake up, please. For me, for your dad. For Miranda." I whisper, a single tear betraying me as it slides down my cheek. 

It's only been a day. It was only just yesterday. So why does it feel like an eternity?

Because it's both of them. Crystal says. This is the first time she's spoken since yesterday. 

She's right, however. As long as Miranda is unconscious, Ethan is too. 

At least I know Ethan is safe, Miranda however, is in the hands of kidnappers and enemies, so who knows what they'll do to her.  

I hop to my feet. We have to find Miranda. 

"Attention Everyone!" I say, mindlinking the whole pack.

"Four days ago, your future Luna was kidnapped by Ryan Nwaeke." I could feel the shock from hearing the news, and the waves of confusion. The confusion, I'm guessing, was that I had said the person who kidnapped Miranda had the same last name as her. 

"Ryan Nwaeke, the father of Miranda, kidnapped her because he found out before any of us that Miranda is destined to be the next LunaQueen. With that information, your future Alpha, the future AlphaKing... my son, is unconscious because Miranda is in her heat, and far away from Ethan. 

"Keeping this in mind, if anyone has any information that could possibly help us, please do not hesitate to tell Priscilla, Jessica, Wyatt, or myself. If anyone assisted in this treachery, speak now, for your punishment will be reduced."  I wait, and no one speaks up. I end the mindlink there, feeling a new wave of bravery wash over me.

I swear by the Goddess, I will become Ryan's worst nightmare.


"Did you print all the plane tickets and fake passports?" I ask Gloria, rummaging through my desk drawers in search of the luggage tags. 

"Yes, would you like to see yours?" she asks, handing me the papers and the luggage tags I was looking for. I give her a warm smile and take the items.

"Thank you." 


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