More Wolf Stuff

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Miranda's POV

I woke up from the best sleep I've had in years. I didn't feel like opening my eyes, since I didn't want to wake up. Until I felt an arm loosely wrapped around my waist. Everything from yesterday flowed back into my memories and I got up.

It didn't upset anymore me that Ethan got mad at me for getting jealous. Although, I think should have told him it upset me before slamming his door. Also, it's not his fault for getting possessive, he's a future alpha.

Maybe I'll make him an "I'm sorry" omelette. I get up slowly, not wanting to wake him up, get dressed, and go to the kitchen. By the time I was nearly finished, Ethan came downstairs with only sweatpants. I almost completely forgot about the omelette on the stove until I smelled the bacon burning a bit. 

I needed to focus all my attention on the food. Jade was drooling over the image of our mate shirtless, and him being behind us wasn't helping.


"Morning. Your breakfast is already on the table."


I got extremely nervous suddenly for my apology. Should I thank him for last night? Would that be too weird? I don't know how mates make up after a fight; I guess they mostly make out instead. 

I finished up preparing breakfast and carried my plate to the other side of the island table where the stools were. It reminded me of the bars in restaurants. I love it. 

"I'm sorry."

Those are the words I said before I sat down.

"I should've told you I needed to calm down before leaving. I should've talked to you about it before I made assumptions, and I shouldn't have blown up in your face like that."

Rambling. I do that when I'm nervous. I'm more embarrassed than nervous now. 

"You don't have to be sorry for anything."

I look down. I couldn't bear to look at his face. The wonderful brown eyes that glisten when he's excited. 

He didn't agree. He forced me to look at him by lifting my chin.

"I shouldn't have shouted at you. You were doing the rational thing. You tried to pacify your anger. I'm sorry. I don't deserve someone like you. You even made breakfast and apologized for something that wasn't your fault."

He leaned closer with each sentence he said. When he finished talking, his breath had Jade completely swooned. My heart was beating a mile per minute. It felt like hours had passed until his lips were finally on mine. 

If this was anything like our first kiss, I wouldn't have yelled at him for making me miss a movie scene. This kiss was sweet. Full of admiration and appreciation. Our lips moulded together like they were made for each other.

Jade was ecstatic. She wanted to take control so badly, and when I accidentally let my wall down, I ended up with my arms around his neck and my hands in his hair. His hands were around my waist, pulling me closer into him, as far as sitting down on bar stools would allow. 

His breath tasted like my omelette. It was delicious. I think this is the best omelette I've ever made! I could mostly taste like bacon, which made me crave his taste even more because of my love for bacon. 

I felt his tongue on my bottom lip. I knew Jade was going to give me an earful if I didn't, so I obediently open my mouth so we could fight for dominance. He won, of course. I let him win because I'm nice. 

Unfortunately, like all good things, it had to end. I pulled away because I needed oxygen. 

This is one of those times where I wish we didn't need air.

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