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Miranda's POV

It's been 2 days since Ethan asked the question. I didn't know what to tell him, so I told him I'll figure it out.


"When can I mark you?" He asked.

My breathing stopped short. It took some forced deep breaths to get my breathing controlled. What was I supposed to say? 'I'm not ready?', 'I don't know?', 'It's complicated?'. I have mixed feelings about marking. I mean, after marking, mating. Am I ready for that? I thought I was going to find my mate when I'm way older. I was hoping to get married before completing the mating process.

"Miranda?" a worried Ethan looked at me, waiting for an answer.

I walked away and sat on the couch, feeling the need to sit down and digest the question.

"I don't... I'm not... I hoped..."

I couldn't even form full sentences! I became dizzy from the effects of marking and the stress of deciding. The need to throw up wavered, and my fabulous breakfast almost made a re-entry.

Ethan sat down beside me and rubbed circles on my back, calming me down.

"I need time. I want to figure it out together, but I need time to digest it. I'm sorry." It was all I could manage.

"Stop saying sorry for things that aren't your fault. I understand. I got a few hours when I found out you were my mate since you were out cold."

He always makes me smile. It's one thing I adore about him. I plant a small kiss on his cheek and mutter a "Thank You".

Do you need some time from me too?

No, temporarily pushing Ethan away is enough. I don't need you to leave too.

Aww, I'm here for you girl!

Thanks Jade.

💨End of Flashback💨

And that's where we are. I wouldn't say we're pretending it didn't happen, we're just trying to find a normal for us, with no drama.

"Mira! Dr. Tory is here!"


Ethan hasn't called me Mira in a long time. It helps find a normal feeling. Dr. Tory came here yesterday to help with the side effects. She's just here for a mini-checkup.

"Hello, Miranda. I just told Ethan that his parents contacted me. They're coming back tonight. Now, let's see how the treatments are working. May I?"

She does her assessments and leaves. Right after she leaves, the doorbell rings. Ethan answers the door and comes back with four envelopes.

"Mira? They're all addressed to you."

I get up and open the envelopes. They're notes from my family!

First Note:

Dear Miranda,

You found your mate! Non-other than my best friend's son! Words cannot express how overjoyed I am to see how much you've grown. Feels like only yesterday we were running around, showing you the ropes of having a wolf, doesn't it? Now, you'll be a future Luna!

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