Moving In

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I wake up to someone moving my head... I had the strangest dream. Ethan was my mate and Jade told me before everything went dark.

"Miranda, darling. Wake up." A woman says in a sweet voice. It's Precious, Ethan's mother. I open my eyes and catch her staring at me with a sad expression on her face. She tells me, 

"Miranda, your sisters came with a letter and bags. She wanted me to give you this,"

She hands me a letter that says, 


I blink a bit before taking the letter. It says,


I know this might seem strange, but everyone has to go on an important mission. We didn't want to tell you this until you were older, but Priscilla, Jessica and Umar are part of a Royal Wolf Committee that you will also be a part of when you have your fifth mark on your wolf. We're sorry for not telling you sooner, but we thought it was best if you didn't know. There are a few things we have to deal with and we won't be here for at least a week. Don't worry about our strength, another thing about the committee is they give you a potion that allows you to turn into any magical creature (wolf, fairy, ogre, etc), so we're covered. We are leaving you with Precious, Wyatt and their son, aka your best friend, Ethan. We left you all of your necessities, $10,000, clothes, entertainment and anything more we thought you would need. Remember that we love you and we will come home. 


Jessica, Priscilla and Unreasonably handsome Umar

I'm more worried about what they're going to face than what's in my bag, or where I'm going to sleep. Precious pulls me in for a hug, but a little too tight. Ethan rubs his hand up and down my back, and it immediately makes me feel much better. Wyatt puts his hand on my shoulder, which doesn't seem like a lot, but he doesn't like physically touching, so to him and me, it means a lot. All at once, their hands come off and Precious moves to the kitchen, cutting some apple slices. Ethan takes my bags up to the guest bedroom beside his and Wyatt goes into his office. 

I'm not sure who to follow first, so instead, I go to the basement and punch some dummies on the training mat. Precious comes down 20 minutes later, with her husband and says,

"Miranda, I hope you don't feel like your burdening us with your sudden staying. We are more than happy with you being here with us until your family comes back. You and Ethan are responsible kids, I'm sure I won't have to worry about the house burning down." She chuckles and continues,

"And I know you two get along, so there will be limited fighting and/or arguing going on." She smiles. I smile back at her and rest on the couch. Ethan comes downstairs to the basement and his parents go upstairs. He looks at me and I can almost feel his nervousness, which is weird because we've been friends for years, so there's nothing to be nervous about. He says,

"Miranda, we've been friends for years, right?" I nod.

"Okay. I'm going to tell you something that you can't tell anyone. You might think that you're crazy, or it's a bad dream, but it's real, and I need you to stay calm, no matter what, okay?" I nod again, slightly hesitantly. 

He takes a deep breath and suddenly, hair comes out of his skin, his teeth become long and pointy, his eyes go from hazel to green, his skin goes from brown to black and his body shakes all over until he becomes a wolf right in front of my eyes. 

He's just like me! For years I've had to keep this secret, but he's just like me! My wolf and I get so excited that she takes over and transforms herself. His green eyes go wide as he stares at my deep violet fur and my pearl white eyes. There's a mirror behind him and I push him to the side as he's still in shock. When I looked in the mirror with Jade, I saw I had gained my 3 markings, but now I have 4... so it wasn't a dream, my mate is Ethan. 

I'm still in my wolf's form by the time Precious and Wyatt come back downstairs. They gasp at the two wolves in their basement, and Precious runs back upstairs. I think I scared her. She comes back with some clothing, my clothing, and sets it down beside me while staring at my fur. She runs her hand through it and marvels at the colour. She stops at my markings on my forehead. She counts them then looks at me and says,

"Miranda, change back. I need to ask you a few questions. Ethan, upstairs. She not mature enough to transform with her clothes still on, she's going to be naked when she shifts."

She smiles and leaves. I shift back, put on clothes and head back upstairs. Precious runs towards me and starts asking me questions,

"What do you know about wolf markings? Mates? Maturity? Shifting? Control?"

"Mom! Stop bombarding her with questions. Ask one at a time." Ethan says.

"Alright... Shifting! Go!"

"Shifting for the first time calls for communication from your wolf. I shifted for the first time when I was  6 years old but didn't have full control until last month. Shifting at first hurts, but it gets easier the more time goes by." I say with a smile. She smiles back and asks me about maturity marks.

"Maturity marks go in this order: First communication with your wolf, first transformation, control over your inner wolf and emotions, mating, marking, mating season and then linage."

She asks about mating.

"Mating is a process. The first part is finding your mate, which could be at any age as soon as you have your third marking. Your wolf tells you who your mate is, and depending on the bond, you might already know since their scent smells different from others, but you won't smell anything unless you admit to having a mate with your wolf. After finding your mate, mark them. It's the start of a powerful bond, it shows others they're taken and you and your mate become weaker every day you don't mark them. Marking hurts at first since they bit down on the soft spot on your neck, but it feels better when they lick it right after. The last part is mating season, which is... sex. After all three stages, you and your mate's bond grows from there. You have an urge to comfort, touch, love them. You feel better when they're close to you. You can feel their emotions, and you can mind link each other as soon as your wolf says 'mate'." 

"So, Miranda. Who's your mate?" She asks me. I stare at her in shock... how did she know?! As if she can read my mind she says,

"I saw your markings when you were in the basement. Plus, my son hides nothing from me, not for long at least." She looks at Ethan and he looks at the drink he has in his hand. Jade is angry at me for not admitting my mate sooner, so she takes over and walks up towards him. I take back control and try to mind link him.

Can we talk? Upstairs?


We walk up together, and it takes all my strength to stop Jade from holding his hand.

Author's Note:

The Next Episode is Ethan's POV about Miranda moving in and called 

Her Wolf? 

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