Chapter forty-eight

Start from the beginning

Alice : Lexa, you know she will not accept that ?

Lexa : She will not know, if my heart is compatible then you give her my heart nothing is hard.

Alice : I can't...

Lexa : I'm not asking Alice, my wife needs me and I'm going to save her.

Alice : And how do you think she will react when she knows that you left her, you sacrificed yourself for her, come on Lexa she can't live without you and you know this.

Lexa : She will have her sister, her mother and her best friends...

Abby : But you are the most important person for her Lexa, so don't you dare doing this, I'm not going to risk the live of two of my daughters.

I didn't know when Abby had arrived in here but I didn't care, I needed to do this.

Lexa : But I can't live without her Abby, Clarke is my everything and you know this.

Abby : I know this, but I will not see Clarke grieving someone she loves again, she lost her best friend and her dad. She will not lose her wife.

Lexa : I can't see her die either... I can't Abby, I already lost my sister in a hospital...

I just broke down in Abby's arms not being able to contain my emotions longer. She was all I had and I couldn't lose her.

Abby : We might have someone Lexa, so please don't do something that will break Clarke.

Lexa : You have someone ??

Alice : Maybe but Clarke needs to get a very long and dangerous surgery and these are don't have a 100 percent chance to live. More like a fifty fifty and I need to talk to her about this. So either you stay here or you get your shits together to help your wife out.

Abby : Come on Lexa, everyone is there waiting for us to pop up the news.

Lexa : I will go but wait who is here ?

Abby : Murphy, Emori, Marcus, Madi, Raven and Octavia are there, I think Aden is there too.

Lexa : Okay, let's go.

We returned to the room to find everyone next to Clarke, Madi was in the bed with her hugging each other. When we arrived Clarke turned her head toward me and a smile appeared on her face. I went toward her and kissed her forehead.

Clarke : Can you give me a proper kiss please, hearts attacks are not contagious Angel.

Lexa : You're a idiot.

I gave her a proper kiss and sat on the bed beside her, stroking her hair with my hand. Alice and Abby came toward us and Alice decided to talk first.

Alice : Hey, so your mom might have found a donor for you...

Clarke : Why do I sense a but ?

Abby : Because there is a but... The donation is not due for another three weeks, and a lot could happen in these three weeks for you.

Clarke : So basically I have a chance to live a good life but I might not live long enough to have that chance ?

Alice : Yes, it's basically this. But at the moment where you have that heart, you will be able to live for another 60 years. And until then you will have to stay here and you will be monitored every minutes.

Clarke : Can I talk to Lexa two seconds and then you can all come in here again ? Please ?

Raven : Of course, come on babe.

All of them got out of the room and only Clarke and I were left in the room. She was thinking really hard all along, something was in her mind and she didn't know how to say it.

Lexa : You know you can talk to me about everything ?

Clarke : I know, I just... When is you first match ?

Lexa : Next week on sunday. We play here in Los Angeles.

Clarke : Against what team ?

Lexa : We play against Portland's team. They aren't really good, so it will be easy, I hope so.

Clarke : I want to go see your first match Lex.

Lexa : Baby, you know you can't, if something happen to you there, then nobody will be able to help you.

Clarke : Alice will be there, she will probably go there to see Harper play.

Lexa : I don't know...

Clarke : Can we just ask Alice at least ?

Lexa : Of course.

Clarke : Let's do something stupid that will frightened them.

Lexa : You are the death of us Clarke, what do you want to do ?

Clarke : What about the lack of oxygen in my system for a minute.

Lexa : And do you plan on doing this ?

Clarke : A good old make out session ?

Lexa : Damn I like that idea.

I started kissing her, her tongue invading my mouth and my hand behind her neck. I went on top of her, her hands finding place on my hips, the kiss was passionate and unique. Dmn that was hell of a good kiss. After some time the door slammed open and everybody rushed inside yelling at us for scaring them, we stopped and started laughing really hard, from which we received a hard slap on our head from Raven, Murphy and Octavia.

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