Jin cringes at my gross words.

"You dumbasses." Yoongi sighs out as he sits down next to Jungkook and Namjoon chuckles as he sits next to Jin on the aisle seat.

"Go cry about it." Jungkook rolls his eyes at Yoongi playfully.

Yoongi pauses putting his phone on airplane mode to deadpan over to Jungkook, "Oh, I'll give you something to cry about." He places his left hand on Jungkook's right thigh, giving it a warning squeeze, "And that's a promise, sweetheart. One I'll keep later tonight."

I raise a brow and smirk at Jungkook's gulp, "Uh oh, Piss Stain is in trouble." I grin.

"Shut it. I'll eat you." He points a warning finger at me.

I raise an accusing brow, "Vore? Didn't know that was your kink." I fake gag.

"Fore the love of Jimin's meaty cheeks, please shut up. Everyone can hear you." Taehyung's whine pulls our attention back to him.

Scoffing, I laugh at his serious expression, "You're one to talk."

After the flight attendants go over some safety rules and whatnot with all of us passengers, I sit back and sigh with a smile. I pull out my headphones and neck pillow, ready to relax for the long flight, "See you all in four hours." I hit play on my music, LOONA blasting in my headphones to block out anyone's bullshit. At some point I end up changing my playlist to DEAN's music and feel myself relaxing, starting to fall asleep.

🛩 (Flying through the air at a deadly speed for four hours straight)

I wake up suddenly at the beeping overhead and Jin calling my name softly.

"We're there?" I open my eyes slowly and smile to Jin who nods.

"No shit." Jungkook yanks a piece of my hair and I swat his headass away.

"Go get a drink from your water bowl, kitty." I rub my tired eyes and Yoongi laughs.

"I feel like I should be offended." Jungkook walks into the plane's aisle and tries tripping me as I stand.

"Move it you giant flea." Yoongi shoves him into the seats across the aisle opposite from us and takes my heavier bag from me to help me out.

Jungkook scoffs, "Go molt some skin, you scaley bitch."

"Get a new joke." Yoongi calmly retorts while helping me walk down the aisle and Jungkook gives him a middle finger.

"W-wait for me!" He calls out and quickly follows behind us as we step off the plane into that weird giant tube we have to walk through to get to the ground.

We all gather up into a group and I do a head count to make sure we didn't lose anyone on that short walk inside (Taehyung) and then I lead us to the luggage pick up area. I spot our bags on the conveyer belt and we all head to each of our own, quickly grabbing them all and then making our way out to catch the bus that specifically takes people to and from the airport to the close by famous resort.

"Am so excite! So, so excite!" Taehyung bounces along quickly, leaving Jimin to try and run after him as he bursts through the wrong bus' doors as soon as they open.

"Farewell, Taehyung." Namjoon sighs before he perks up and raises an eyebrow, "Don't hybrids have to be on a leash outside?" Namjoon questions and I shrug.

"The author apparently forgot if that was a 'law' written into this book so for now I'll go with the answer no." I sigh, giving an eyebrow raise at the author who gulps and smiles nervously.

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