Family Dinner

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,,Are you okay?", Levi asks while we walk towards my parents' house. ,,Just nervous.", I answer and grab his warm hand a little tighter. ,,It's gonna be alright. They probably know already, don't they?" I bite my teeth together. ,,Actually..." ,,Don't tell me you haven't told them." ,,I told them I'll bring my partner, not you're a man. They probably expect me to bring them my girlfriend." My boyfriend sights and I look at my feet. ,,Why does this even bother you so much?", he asks after a while and I look at his beatifull face again. ,,Let's say my parents aren't the biggest fans of gay people.", I answer and Levi shruggs his shoulders. ,,It's gonna work out. I mean, they're your parents. I guess, as long as you're happy they're fine with it." ,,Maybe you're right...Ah, there we are. And Levi?" ,,Yeah?" ,,If they make any innapropriate comments, please hold back, okay?" He sights. ,,Okay." I take a deep breath, before ringing on the doorbell. We wait a few seconds until my adoptive sister Mikasa opens the door. I'm actually quite happy that she opened up, because she already knows about Levi, she just haven't met him yet. ,,Hey Eren.", she says and I nood at her. ,,Hi, Mika. This is Levi, my boyfriend.", I reply and she looks at Levi. ,,Ah, Eren told me about you. I'm Mikasa." The male next to me quickly noods at her, before Mikasa lets us both in. Now I'm getting nervous and grab Levi's hand a little tighter. Right around the corner are my parents, ready to judge him for every single flaw he has. And here we're just gonna ignore the fact, that they won't be very happy that he's obviously not a girl. Slowly we walk around the courner and my parents look at us. ,,Hello, Eren! Didn't you want to bring your girlfriend? And who is that young man wth you?", my mother says and I gulp. There she notice Levi and I are holding hands and her eyes widen. ,,Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. Ehm...This is Levi, boyfriend.", I answer and her eyes whiden even more. I don't dare to look at my father. I already know that in this moment he decided to hate me. So many times he's been talking about how disgusting gay people are and closeted me just sat there and wanted to die. After a few seconds I finally have the balls to look at him and his face expresses pure disgust. But he isn't looking at me, he's looking at Levi, what upsets me even more. ,,Hello, Levi...Ehm...I'm Carla and this-" Mom rams her ellbow into my father's ribs. ,,-is my husband Grisha." I whimper uncomfortable. Honestly, what did I expect? Well, my mother at least tryes to be nice. She would never say something against it, but I know she shares this opinion with me father, just doesn't show it. ,,And I thought I might get pretty grandkids.", Dad says and I swear I could cry right now. But I don't. I just stand there and take care not to break Levi's hand. It was a mistake bringing him here and I know that. ,,Ehm...Why won't you sit down?", my mother asks after a minute of silence and I slowly pull m boyfriend towards the table and sit down next to eachother. ,,They hate me.", Levi mumbles and I look at him. ,,They don't. They just hate the fact that you're male. It's nothing personal, I think.", I reply and he noods slowly. I just wanna go back home have hard sex to forget this here ever happend. But no, I need to stay here with my homophobic parents. Suddenly my father jumps up and slams his hands ontoo the table. I flinch together and look at him in pure shock. ,,I can't accept this! Why did my own son turn into a faggot? I did nothing wrong while rasing you! I'm not gonna support this disgusting lifestyle! I won't let you live like that! What's gonna happen next? Are you're gonna start wearing dresses or make-up? I didn't spend eighteen years with rasing you just for you turning out to be one of these asswhores!" Now I completely loose myself, grab Levi's hand and run with him out of the house. Tears keep streaming down my face while I just keep running through the rain, until I slowly stop again. Levi instantly wraps his arms around me and I burry my face into his neck. ,,I'm so sorry.", I whisper while he strokes over my back. ,,You don't need to apologise. Not your fault your father's a dick.", he replies and looks at me loving. ,,Come on, let's go home. Before you catch a cold.", the raven says and softly caress my cheek, whiping some tears away. I smile slightly and wanna follow him to his car, when I suddenly hear fast steps behind me. Confused I turn around, just to see my mother running towards us. I sight. ,,Eren, please wait!", she shouts and I just stand there completely confused, until she stands infront of me. ,,Eren, I am so unbelievably sorry! That wasn't okay!", she says completely out of breath and I furrow my brows. ,,Yeah, you're right. That was defintly not okay.", Levi throws in and sounds hella provocating. Like always when he's upset. ,,I know and Grisha's defintly gonna gets his ass beaten later for that. He shouldn't have said such things to you." I nood slowly, still not sure about the current situation. ,,I just want you to know, that no matter who you love, as long as you're happy I'm fine with it. No matter what, you'll always be my little boy and I love you." With these words she pulls me into a hug and I gladly accept it. Mom pulls back after a few seconds and now looks at Levi, who seems to be completely confused. ,,Take good care of my Eren, okay?", my mother asks and the raven noods. ,,I will.", he answers and she smiles slightly. ,,We're going now. Love you.", I say and step back to Levi again. Mom says goodbye too before Levi and I enter his car. ,,She seems to be nice.", he says and I nood. ,,I honestly didn't expect her to react this calm.", I reply and he shruggs his shoulders. He starts to drive and a long time none of us says anything. ,,I love you.", I say after a while and the raven shows one of his rare smiles. ,,I love you too."

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