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4 years old

I wake up in the middle of the night from scilent sobbing. I turn around and see my best friend Levi yrmbling in his bed. I climb out of mine and shake his shoulder to wake him up. He opens his eyes and looks at me with tears filled eyes. ,,Are you okay?", I ask and sit on his bed. ,,Yea. Just a nightmare.", the other boy answers and whipes his tears away. Levi is one year older then me, but came to the orphanage only one month ago. We imidiatly became friends and I always comfort him when he has nightmares. I lie next to him and look at my friend. He wraps his arms around me and I wrap mine around him. I don't know wy everyone thinks it's weard when we sleep in one bed. It just feels comfortable. ,,Can you tell me about our home?", Levi asks quitely. I nood and start telling. ,,There's a little house on a hill faar away from all the big citys. Infront of it is a big weadow with a tree, were a swing hangs on. Inside a house lies a little, black cat next to the stack and snorres quitely. When you go further you come to our rooms. Your's clean and tidy, exactly like you like it." ,,Yea. And your's messy like always." I have to giggle at his comment. ,,Exactly. You always try to force me to clean it up, but it doesn't work. And the best thing about our rooms is that they're right next to eachother, so I can come over to you when you're having nightmares." I look up to Levi again and see him sleeping. I smile slightly and fall asleep to.

10 years old

I staire out of the window and feel tears streaming down my face. Levi just got an adopting offer and talks to these people right now. I don't want him to go. He's my only friend and if he leaves, then I'm all alone. But when he goes, then I'm happy for him. He deserves to have a happy family. But then I'd loose my only friend. Suddenly the door jumps open and Levi comes into the room, standing next to me. ,,Are you going?", I sob and whipe my tears away with the sleeve of my pullover. ,,No. I don't want to." I look up surprised. ,,What?" ,,I said I don't want to go. I'm staying here until someone takes us together. I won't go without you.", Levi answers and looks out of the window. ,,Idiot.", I whisper and smile slightly. The door opens again and Mr Smith comes in. ,,Wy did you say no, Levi? I thought you'd be happy to get adopted.", he says and lays one hand on my best friends shoulder. ,,I won't go without Eren.", he replies and grabs my arm. Mr Smith sights and leaves the room without another word.

14 years old

I sit on my bed, Levi sitting next to me and laughing. Over the last years, he got many offers, but he always rejected and stayed with me. I didn't have single one. It's probably because Levi is everything parents want. He's clean, tidy and calm. He never causes any problems. And then there's me. I'm messy, have anger issius and mess with littelary everyone. But I don't care. Levi is with me, so it's fine. To be onest, I got feelings for him. I don't know how it happend, but it is just like that. I didn't tell anyone and it's fine like that. ,,Eren, are you even listening?" ,,What?" Levi laughs and leans back. ,,Can you tell me about our home?", he asks and causes me to smile. For some reason, this is still a thing abd I love to tell the story about the house I made up in my head when Levi came here. ,,There's a little house on a hill faar away from all the-" Suddenly he presses his lips against mine. At first I'm surprised, but start kissing back after a few seconds. I run my hand through his black hair and pull him closer to me. After a while the raven pulls back and looks at me. ,,Eren, are you fine with me?" ,,Yea, I'm really happy."

16 years old

Since our first kiss, Levi and I became a couple. The funny thing is just, that no one knows about us. They all think we're still just friends. Now Levi's sitting on my lap and kiss me passionly. ,,They're all gone for an hour, so we're alone.", he whispers and I get what he wants. I carry him on my bed and pull his shirt over his head. Slowly I start kissing down his neck making him moan. I take my own shirt of and remove Levi's and my pants so we're both naked. ,,Fuck me already.", my boyfriend grins and slames his hips against mine, making me moan. Without any prep I go inside him and start thrusting. The raven digs his nails deep into my back and moans in pleasure, as I start to go faster and feel my release coming closer. ,,I'm coming!" ,,Me too." We both come nearly at the same time. Suddenly the door jumps open and Mr Smith staires at us. ,,I knew it.", he wispers and closes the door again. I burst out in laughing and embarissment. After I calm down a little I look at Levi again. ,,I love you Levi." ,,I love you too."

17 years old

,,Goodbye, babe.", Levi says as he wraps his arms around me. ,,I'm gonna miss you.", I reply and hug him back. Today's the day Levi moves out and I'll have to wait an entire year until I can too. I'm not sure if I can be without him that long. ,,I promise when you turn 18 I'm gonna pick you up and we'll move together. You'll just have to wait a little.", the shorter man says and goes through my hair. ,,But what if you find someone else?" ,,I won't. I love you more then everything and I'll wait." ,,I will too. Goodbye. And try to visit me." With a last kiss Levi leaves and I'm left alone.

18 years old

Finally! I look at my full backpack and smile. Today I'm gonna see Levi again. I haven't seen him for five months now, because he lives in a completely different city. We're only texting and calling and it's not the same. But today the love of my life is gonna pick me up and we'll stay together forever. I grab my bag and run down the stairs to the court and look for Levi. ,,Eren!", I hear and turn around, seing Levi a few meters away from me. I run towards him and wrap my arms around him. ,,Fuck, I've missed you so much!", I say and place a kiss on his lips. ,,I missed you to.", he answers and smiles slightly. ,,So you're the famous Eren Yeager.", a female voice suddenly says. I look around and see a brownhaired women with glasses standing a right behind Levi. I nood confused. ,,Levi told me so much about you! I'm Hanji." She's probably a friend of Levi. ,,Come on.", he says and takes my hand. I take a last look at the place, were I grew up and follow Levi into a black van. We sit on the backseat, while Hanji sits infront of us. ,,Happy birthday, by the way.", my boyfriend says and places a kiss on my lips. ,,I've got a present for you, but we have to drive a little to get to it.", he grins. Hanji giggles and starts to drive. We really drive long, but Levi and I spend it with kissing, talking and holding hands. After a while we drive into a little forest. ,,What are we doing here?", I ask confused. ,,Just wait.", Levi replise and leans against my shoulder. I sight nervous as we drive out of the forest and ghasp. There stands a little, white house on a hill. ,,What the fuck, Levi!", I nearly scream. ,,You have no idea how hard it was to find this house. Do you like it?" ,,Yea, but wy?" Levi laughs a little, but doesn't answer. Hanji stops the car and smiles at us. ,,See you then.", she says as we leave the car. ,,Come on!" Levi grabs my hand and pulls me closer to the house, as I notice a tree with a swing. ,,You really thought about everything, didn't you?", I laugh. ,,Exactly. Let's go in." Levi unlocks the door and pulls me into the house. I have to smile as I see a little, black cat walking past us. I look around and see a stack and two seats infront of it. ,,What's it's name?", I say, as I stroke the cat. ,,Elly." ,,Suits her." ,,Let me show you something.", Levi says and pulls me further into the house. We come to a door and Levi opens it. ,,This is our bedroom." I don't know what to say about this. Suddenly Levi wraps his arms around my neck and looks at me. ,,Do you like your present?" ,,I love it." ,,Marry me, Eren." ,,What?" ,,Will you marry me?" I smile and pull him closer. ,,Yes. And we will always be together." ,,Forever."

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