The german boy

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,,Levi, are you done already?", my mother asks and I role my eyes. ,,Why do I have to go there? Why should I care about some exchange student?", I reply and she sights. ,,He's gonna be our neighbour for the whole next year, so it would be better, if you meet him." I sight. ,,Yeah, I'm coming." Today an exchange student from germany moved in in my cousins house. Mikasa told me his name's Eren. I know her parents wanted a boy, because they think, she needs a relationship. Poor guy. I put my jacket on, bevore running down the stairs, where my mother already waits for me. She opens the door and we go over to the house next to ours. 

,,Hey!", Mikasa's mother says and mine greets her back. I just nood at her, bevore she let's us in. Mikasa's family invited us for dinner with Eren and I don't really want to. We  walk through the hallway until we come to the dinningroom and I see Mikasa, her father and a brownhaired boy who's probably Eren sittig on the big table. ,,Hello, everybody!", my mother says and I sight. I wanna go home and lock myself in my room, but I have to stay here. ,,Hi, Kuchel, hey, Levi!", Mikasa says and I nood. Her father greets us too bevore we sit down. ,,Did you have a good flight to here, Eren?", my mother asks the brunette, but he just looks at her confused. ,,Oh, Eren can't speak english yet.", Mikasa's mom says and I furrow my brows. If he can't speak english, then why the fuck did he even come here? I spend the rest of the evening eating and listening to the adults talking, when I notice Eren keeps staring at me like a little creep. I try to make clear with my looks, that he should stop, but he doesn't. I know he gets it, but he keeps staring at me. Weardo. 

The next day

I stand at my locker and get some of my books out of it, when I notice Eren standing a few meters away from me, who seems to have huge problems with opening his locker. No one helps him. I sight and go over to him. ,,Do you need help?", I ask, but just earn a confused smile. ,,Right, you can't speek english.", I mumble and think about what I'm supposed to do now. After a few seconds I point at the locker and he seems to get it. Eren steps away and I open it. ,,Here you go.", I say and the brunette smiles slightly. ,,Danke.", he says and I guess that means thank you. There I hear the bell ringing. I wave at Eren, bevore heading to the classroom. The day passes slowly and I'm glad when schools finally over. I neary run down the hallway, when I suddenly bumb into someone and fall to the ground. ,,Hey, what the fuck?", I ask annoyed and look up. To my surprise it's Eren, who sits infront of me. He stands up and reaches me his hand. I sight and grab it. The brunette looks at me excusing and I nood to tell him it's okay. Because we have the same way home we go together. ,,Fuck, i wish you would understand me.", I say and Eren just smiles at me. Damn, he's cute. Wait, what? ,,You know, I actually find you kinda cute for some reason. If you could understand me, I would never tell you that, of course. But like that it's fine.", I hang on while the bunette keeps smiling at me like an idiot. ,,You're probably straight anyway." That's the problem with attracktive guys. They're mostly straight and that kinda sucks. That's why I never had a relationship bevore. Yeah, I could have one with a girl, but the ones I know are just not my type. Kinda sucks. 

I lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling. Stupid depression. Not letting me stand up. God, I feel so fucking pathetic! My father left five years ago. I have twelfe back then. But that's not the reason for the scars on my thights and torso. I started because I hated myself and now I can't stop anymore. Great. I stay like that, when I suddenly hear someone knocking on my window. Who the fuck is that? With a groan I stand up and pull the curtain away when I see a certan brunette hanging on the window still. Quickly I open the window and pull him up, so Eren sits on it. ,,What the hell are you doing here?", I ask bevore I remember he can't understand me. This could become a problem in the future. ,,Just wanted to visit you." Wait, what? Since when- ,,Why the fuck can you speak english out of sudden?", I ask, kinda angry about it. ,,Oh, I could the whole time.", Eren answers and smiles. ,,Then why did you act like you couldn't?" ,,If you lived with this family over there, you would too, believe me." I sight and suddenly remember what I said to him earliyer. Shit. ,,Yeah, maybe you're right. But why did you act like you don't understand me?" ,,Just wanted to see, if I can trust you." Ugh, can he stop smiling like that? Adorable, little shit. ,,Now let me in, I'm cold.", Eren says and I step back, so he can get in. With a smile he climbs through the window inside my room. I close it and look at the other, who's looking around. ,,By the way, why were you staring at me like that yesterday?", I ask after a while and Eren shruggs his shoulders. ,,'Cause I think you're attracktive. Actually I'm very happy that you think the same about me.", he answers and I furrow my brows. God, this guy is terrifying open. ,,You should really take care of what you're telling others.", I say and lean against the wall. ,,Normally I am, but you seem nice, so yeah.", Eren replies and I sight. ,,That's kinda naiv." ,,No, why?" ,,I could be some psychotic serial killer and you just come into my house. What if I'd just pull out a knife and stab you?" Of course I know it's shit what I'm talking and Eren doesn't seem like he bothers much, what creeps the shit out of me. ,,You know, I can judge people pretty well and I can tell you're not.", he says and smiles slightly. Please, that smile could kill me! I would never admit it, of course, but damn! ,,It kinda sucks being here without being able to talk to anyone. Will you talk with me?", he asks right afterwards and I role my eyes. ,,Only, if I get something for reward.", I answer and his smile turns into a mean grin. Suddenly he pulls me up to him and places a fast kiss on my lips. ,,When you talk with me, you'll get this then. Deal?", he says and my eyes widen. Well, I defintly didn't expect that, but okay. And just like that he took my first kiss. Damn. ,,Deal.", I whisper, still flashed of what just happend. And like this is goes from now on. Eren comes to my window every night and then we talk. After that he always kisses me and with every day the kisses are getting more and more intense and it starts to get more difficult to control ourselves. But not like today. Today we copetely eskalate and fall over eachother like two animals in heat. None us says anything, but we both now we want-no, need this. My mother went out for tonight, so she won't notice anything. After a huge make out session Eren pushes me down on my bed and starts to attack my neck. I let out a long moan, bevore the brunette slides his hands under my shirt. I never told him about my little selfharm problem and I don't know how he'll react to this. Slowly Eren pulls my shirt over my head and his eyes rest a few seconds on me, bevore he smashes his lips against mine, while sliding his hands over my entire body. Something tells me I have to do some explaination, when we're done. After a while he opens my pants and pulls them down all at once. Yay, more shit I have to explain later! ,,You still have your clothes on, that's unfair.", I say and Eren grins, bevore he sits up and starts to undress himself. I follow every single one of his movements until he's completely naked and leans down to me again and places multiple kisses on my neck and chest. ,,Do you like that?", he asks and I nood. ,,Yeah. Please keep on going!", I answer and I feel his lips turning into a grin. ,,Let's get this right.", he says and comes back up to me. God, I'm so fucking ready for this! Slowly Eren slides his hand between my legs and swirls his fingers around my assholw. ,,Hurry up already."; I say, getting more and more impatient. The brunette sights and pushes his finger inside me. The feeling of something being up my ass weards me out, but after a few seconds I kind of get used to it. He ads a second and a third finger and strechts me out, what feels weard, but in a good way. Even some moans escape my mouth while his fingers work inside me. ,,That should be enough now.", the other male says after a while and pulls his fingers out. Now I'm getting kinda nervous. I know exactly what's gonna happen next and that sort of scares me.  Eren seems to notice and caresses my cheek. ,,Don't worry, I'm gonna make you feel great.", he says and places himself, before pushing in and I arch my back. ,,Hey, calm down, I'm in.", the brunette says and I nood. ,,It's fine, keep on going.", I reply and he slowly starts to move. There he suddenly hits a spot that makes me feel unbelieveble good and I moan out in surprise. ,,Ah, there.", Eren grins and hits it over and over again. I throw my head back in pleasure and dig my nails into his back. ,,Levi, you feel so good inside.", the other male growls, but I'm not able to reply in any way. I'm not used to this kind of pleasure. After a few more thrusts I feel a liquid feeling building up in my stomac. I think, I'm close, but I'm not really sure. ,,Eren, I-Argh!" In this moment my orgasm crashes over my and I come all over my and Eren's belly. A few seconds later Eren comes inside me and he does a few more thrusts, before he pulls out and falls next to me. ,,Damn, that was good.", he says hard breathing and I nood. The brunette turns around and takes my hand. ,,You're pretty.", he mumbles and places some kisses and my fingertips. ,,Hey, don't call me pretty, I'm a guy.", I reply, but he just shruggs his shoulders and pulls me a little closer to me. ,,What's about your scars?", Eren asks after a few minutes of just staying like that and I look away. ,,You don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to." Huh? ,,I've got a little problem with selfharm.", I answer and look at his face again, too see his reaction, but he just  has neutral look on it. ,,Do you have any mentall illnesses?" ,,I got diagnosted with depression two years ago." ,,Ah, okay." Shit, this situation is so akward. ,,Eren?" ,,Hm?" ,,Do you hate me now?" ,,Of course I don't. Why should I? Actually I love you." My eyes widen. ,,What?" ,,Do you think I would do these things, if I didn't? I thought, that was obvious." I shrugg my shoulders and cuddle against his chest. ,,Okay, then-I love you too." Eren cracks a little smile and wraps his arms around me. I want him to stay him all night, but I know he can't. ,,You should go back now." ,,No, why?" ,,My mother will come back soon. What, if she'll catch us?" ,,Why do you worry about that?" Uff. ,,I don't want her to find out." ,,Why? Would she have a problem with you being into guys?" Defintly not. ,,No." ,,Then it's fine, isn't it?" ,,Maybe." We stay like that for a while, until I fall asleep in his arms. 

That shit has been in my drafts for years, I swear and now I finally finished it. What do you think about this? 'Cause I'm honestly not sure.

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