Maby you're just a monster named Eren

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,,Levi, can I talk to you for a second?", Hanji asks. ,,What do you want, foureyes?", I reply and lean against the wall. ,,Eren's been acting kinda weard since the last mission. Actuelly I'm really worried." I nood. I know exactly what's going on with him. When we went on the last mission, his best friends Armin Alert and Mikasa Ackerman died while he was in titanform. Of course it bothers him. To be onest, I'm worried too. Not just because he's humanitys last hope and we need him. It's because we've been secretly together for three months now, but since the last mission we barely talked. Maby I should try to. ,,I'll see what I can do.", I say and go down to Eren's room in the basement. I open the door and he looks up surprised. His eyes are tearswollen and his hair stands up in every direction. ,,Hey.", I say and sit next to him. ,,Leave me alone.", the brunette replise and burries his face in his hands. I ignore what he says and wrap one arm around him. ,,You know I can't to that." Suddenly Eren bursts out in tears. ,,It's all my fault! It's my fault they're dead! I should've saved them! They died because of me!" I just sit there and say nothing. I know I'm terrible at comforting people and would just make it worst. After a while I decite to say something. ,,Wy didn't you tell me you think like that?", I ask. ,,Does that matter?" ,,Yes." I swipe Eren's tears away and force him to look at me. ,,Because I know you don't care. You've got your own problems and I don't want to bother you with my shit." I can't believe what I hear. ,,What makes you think that shit? Don't you dare you think that I don't care about you. Because I do." Now's Eren the one who's quite. Does he really think I don't care about him?  ,,I will always care about you. Now tell me what's going on.", I say and carres my boyfriend's cheek. Tears stream down his face. ,,I already told you. My best friends are dead because of me. They died and I did nothing. I know I should be able for any action, but I...I'm sorry.", he sobs and wraps his arms around his body. I don't know what I can do to help him. ,,I know how this feels. Seing friends diying infront of your eyes. But you'll get over it. Just remember you're not alone. I'll help you through this, I promise. Just try to get back to us. We're not planning any near missions so you can take your time." Eren whipes his tears away and burries his face in my neck. I wrap my arms around him and sight quitely. ,,Levi? Am I a monster? Please be onest." Shit. What should I answer now? The problem is, that he is a monster. And really nothing can change that. ,,Yea, maby you're just a monster named Eren. But I don't give a fuck.", I answer finally. ,,What do you mean?" ,,I mean that I love you anyways. Maby I don't show ot enough, but I really love you. So please come back to me." Eren looks at me again and takes my hand. ,,I love you too, Levi." I smile and pull him into a soft kiss. I taste salt. I pull back and look at Eren, who's crying again. ,,Thank you.", he says and forces a sad smile on his face. ,,Let's go up. You have to eat something.", I say and pull him on his feet. I love this boy and I will do everything to make him feel better.

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