Ocian eyes

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,,Come on, Eren! Please!" I role my eyes annoyed. ,,I'm not going to the fucking aquarium! I'm way to old for this!" I push my best friend Armin away and cross my arms infront of my chest. ,,You're always just at home! You have never any time for me!", he says and looks at me in a creepy way. Shit, wy's he always so fucking creepy? I sight. ,,Fine. But just this one time." Armin jumps up in joy and pulls me into the train, wich just arrived.

1 hour later

We stand infront of tge ebtrace of the aquarium and I role my eyes annoyed. Armin pulls me in with a big smile, buys us tickets and hands me some money. I look at him confused. ,,Go buy us some milkshakes. I'll get us a plan. I want strawberry!" With these words the blond dissapears. I hope he's fast with looking at everything, because I really don't wanna be here. I slowly walk to the drinkbar and order us some milkshakes. I go back to Armin, who's reading the plan and reaches him his milkshake. ,,Thank you." He takes a sip and looks at me dissapointed. ,,I wanted strawberry." ,,Strawberry were out. Cherry is red too so it doesn't matter. Anyways, what do you want to see first?", I reply and take a sip of my chocolate shake. ,,I wanba go to the minifishes." ,,They're not called minifishes." ,,I don't care. And if you don't want to come with me, there's a new section called 'rare creatures'. This could be something for you." I nood bored. ,,Fine. Call me when you're done. See you." ,,Yea, see you." With these words Armin runs into one of the hallways and dissapears. I sight annoyed and start walking, looking for the 'rare creatures' section. I think I'm just gonna sit down there and relax. I just don't care for any of this things. I keep walking until I find the section, wich is coverd
by a black curtain. Strange. I pull it away and enter the hallway. It's very dark in here and the only light comes from a big tank. I can take a look, because wy not? I look into the tank and look through the clear water. Nothing. Is it empty or what? But there I see something. Looks like a human, like a man to be exactly. But just until his waist. From there on is a fishtail. ,,Is this a mermaid or something?", I mumble. ,,Yea, it is. Isn't it beatifull?" I turn around in surprise and see a big, blond man standing next to me. ,,We got it one month ago. Some fishers caught it and brought it too us.", he says and smiles slightly. I just say nothing and stare at the man in confusion. ,,I have to go now. Have fun!" With this words  he dissapears. I shake my head and look back at the merman, but he's gone. I look around in the tank, but can't find him. Suddenly he appears right infront of my face and I jump back a few meters. The merman gots raivenblack hair and his eyes are a cool grey. He's really beatifull. But his eyes are red, like he just cried. He looks very unhappy. I step a little closer to the glass and he swings his black tail around. Now I realize what's wrong with him. ,,The tank is way to small you. You're trapped in this small tank.", I say and the merman noods. Wait, he can hear me? Seems like it. ,,I know how you feel. After my mother died when I was ten, my father became very abusive and looked me up in the basement until I was fivteen." He also raped and hit me multiple times until I told Armin about this and called the police and now my father's in jail, but I'm still traumatized of the things he did to me. The merman seems to listen to every word I'm telling him. I'm probably the only one who talks to him. ,,I'm Eren by the way. Do you have a name?", I ask. He lifts up his hand and a bubble shaped of an L comes out of it. ,,Are you trying to tell me your name?" The raven noods and makes more bubbles. L,E,V,I. Levi. ,,Levi? Is that your name?" He noods and presses his hand against the glass and I do the same. I want to help him, but I know I can't. ,,I wish I could help you, Levi.", I say and smile slighly. I can't leave him alone here. I want to stay with him even though that's littelary impossible. Suddenly my phone rings and Levi swims away. ,,Hey, it's nothing dangerus. My best friend just called me.", I say and try to calm him down. He slowly swims back and looks at me confused.

,,Hey Armin."

,,Hey, Eren. I'm done now. I'm waiting at the exit for you."

He hangs up. I look back to Levi, who still looks kinda confused. ,,Sorry, I have to go." Suddenly he comes very close to the glass and bangs against it, opening his mouth like he's shouting, but there are just bubbles coming out of it. He doesn't want me to go. ,,Hey, calm down, okay? I promise, I'll come back tomorrow. Just don't forget me and wait.", I say and smile at him. Slowly Levi calms down and smiles back at me. ,,See you tomorrow.", I say and leave the section. I feel really bad leaving Levi alone, but I can't stay there. After a while I reach the exit, were Armin already waits for me. ,,And? How was it?", he asks with a smile. ,,Yea, it was quite interesting.", I say and smile back. ,,See, I told you it'll be fun! Anyway's, we should go home now. It's late." ,,Yea, you're right."

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