Mind change

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A/N: Remember when I said I love trans Levi? Yeah, this is gonna be this kind of stuff again, but this time I'm trying to build in smut, just like I sometimes daydream it. I'm trans by myself, so I have some experients on that aria and this is kinda based on my personal feelings, so yeah. Just because I'd be confortable with this, doesn't mean others would be!  If you're uncomfortable with this stuff, just don't read it. 

I look at my phone and see a message of my boyfriend Levi. 

Levi: Eren, when are you coming home? I need to talk to you.

Eren: I'm almost there. Just a few minutes. 

Levi: Okay, but hurry up.

Eren: Okay. Love you.

Levi: Love you too.

Silent I walk down the street to our house and am curious what could be so important that Levi texts me for it. Weard. After like five more minutes I stand infront of the housedoor and rummage for my keys, until I find them and unlock the door. With a sight I enter the house and close the door behind me. ,,Hi, Levi!", I say and put my jacket and shoes of. ,,Hey, Eren! I'm in the bedroom!", I hear Levi replying and furrow my brows. Huh? ,,Ehm, okay." Kinda confused I go into our bedroom, where I see him sitting on the bed. ,,Wow, exeptionally wearing a shirt today?", I ask and sit next to him. ,,What is that supposed to mean now?" ,,Come on, since you've got top surgery, you barely wore one." The first weeks were the most weard ones.  He spend hours in the bathroom just looking at himself in the mirror and probably feeling great. He still does it sometimes, but not as often as he used to. ,,So...you wanted to talk about something?", I ask after a few seconds and Levi noods. ,,Yeah, ehm...You know, I've been thinking about something quite alot recently and I...uff." I look at him confused. ,,What is it?" The raven takes a deep breath and grabs his shirt. ,,I wanted to ask you, if you..." ,,If I what?" ,,I wanted to ask you, if you maybe wanna do it with me." My eyes widen. Okay, I defintly didn't expect that. ,,But...You said, you wanted to wait until you're done with everything." He shruggs his shoulders and sights. ,,I know, but that was two years ago and my mind changed a little. I feel quite comfortable right now and I think I'm ready for it. I mean, you don't have to, if you don't want to." I bite my teeth together. ,,It's not like I don't want to, I'm just scared I might do or say something that could make you feel more disphoric than you already have to feel." Levi sights and lays his hand on my thight. ,,You won't. Eren, I wouldn't have made this decision, if I wasn't completely sure about this. Just know you can just say no and we'll forget about this. We don't have to do it, if you're uncomfortable.", he says and I look at him. ,,I'm not. I'm just worried about you, that's everything." There I suddenly get pushed over, so I land backwards on the bed with Levi on top of me. ,,Did you even listen to one fucking word I was telling you?", he asks while he pins my wrists on the matress. I just don't say anything. What the hell am I supposed to say in this kind of situation? Shit, this is so akward. Sex was never a big topic in our relarionship. I knew from the beginning that he'd probably be hella uncomfortable with this, so we just stayed on a romantic base. This is completely new for me. ,,Fine, then I'll make it official for you. With this I give you permission to do anything you want to my body. You can touch me wherever you want and put your mouth wherever you want. It's fine.", Levi says, while I just stare at him with big eyes and don't answer. The raven sights and sits up on my lap. ,,You did not just seriously got hard by me pushing you down." Huh? ,,I-I'm not!", I reply and Levi cracks a little grin. ,,Yes, you are.", he says, before suddenly grabbing between my legs,  what causes me to let out a surprised moan. Shit. ,,Hey, don't just do that without any warning!", I say, but my boyfriend just ignores me and takes off his shirt. Uff, I always forget how hot he actually is. Oh, fuck it. Quickly I grab his hips and bend him over, so I'm on top now. ,,Now you started something.", I say and press my lips against his. Levi instantly kisses back and wraps his arms around my neck. Should I-He said it's fine, so I think I can do that. Slowly I start to kiss down the ravens jawline and neck and gain a little moan with that. I kiss down his entire torso until I reach the bound of his grey sweatpants. I look at him quickly to make sure he's okay, before I pull them down, leaving him just in his black boxers. ,,You're still fully dressed, that's unfair.", Levi says hard breathing and I shrugg my shoulders, before sitting up and starting to undress. When I'm fully naked I notice the other male staring at me with big eyes. ,,Why the fuck are you so huge?", he asks and I grin. ,,Don't know.", I answer and wanna get on top of him again, but he pushes me back. ,,Wait, let me do something.", Levi says and sits up. I look at him confused, when he gets on his knees and leans down into my lap. Oh, this is what he wants to do. Carefully the raven licks all along my length, before putting it into his mouth until I hit the back of his throat. Damn, does that guy even have a gagging reflex? Doesn't seem like it. Slowly Levi starts to suck and I let out a long moan. Okay, he's better than I thought he'd be. It goes like that for like five minutes until I feel my release coming closer. ,,Hey, you can stop now. I don't think you want me to come into your mouth.", I say, but Levi doesn't stop. Instead he now sucks harder and I grab his hair. ,,This is exactly what you want, isn't it?", I ask hard breathing, before my orgasm crashes over me and I tilt my head back in pleasure. After a few more seconds the raven pulls back and spits my cum into his hand. ,,Give me a tisseu.", he says and I grab one from the nightstand, before reaching it to him. Quickly he whipes himself clean and throws the tisseu away. I lift his chin up and look at his beatifull, perfect face. I need him. Now. Without I even have the chance to think about it I push Levi over, so I'm on top of him again. ,,Eren, what are you-" ,,Let me redo your favour." He instantly seems to get it and blushes. Slowly I slide my hand down to his boxers and stop right infront of them? ,,Is it okay, if I touch you there?", I ask, just to be sure. ,,I told you it's fine.", Levi answers and I nood, before slowly sliding my hand into his underwear between his legs. He bites his lip and groans slightly. ,,Eren.", he whispers and I grin. ,,What is it?", I ask with a lowerd voice. ,,More.", the raven answers and I grin a little more, before starting to massage his downer parts, making him moan. ,,You're so wet." ,,Says the one who got rockhard by just getting pushed down." ,,Hilarious." He sights. ,,Shut up and put it in already." ,,When you ask for it so nicely..." Carefully I remove my hand and place myself on his entrace, when I decide to drive him a little crazy. ,,I'm putting it in now.", I say and get a little nood by Levi, before I push in, 'causing him to arch his back. I could start moving, but I don't. I just stay like that inside of him, pretty aware of that my little lover is going crazy right now. ,,You know, that's actually not how sex works. You've gotta start moving at some point.", he says and I shrugg my shoulders. ,,But that's exactly what you've been asking for." ,,What?" ,,You wanted me to put it inside and that's how I'm staying right now." ,,Come on!" I shrugg again my shoulders and find myself fucking hilarious. I love to see him being completely desperate for the pleasure he craves so much. I love the feeling of having full control over him. ,,Eren, please! You're killing me!", he suddenly shouts and I sight. ,,Then tell me what you want. Clearly and nicely.", I say and smirk a little. He breathes in before starting to talk. ,,Please fuck me until I can't walk anymore." My smirk becomes wider and I pin his wrists down. ,,Good boy.", I say and he bites his lips. ,,What?", I ask and he grins a little. ,,Call me that again, I love the feeling this gives me.", he answers and my smirk turns into a half smile. ,,I'm gonna give you a much better feeling now.", I reply and with these words I slowly start to move. And just like that I thrust in and out of him, while feeling his nails digging deep into my beg. I love the look on his face. His eyes closed, his mouth slightly opend and giving me calming vibes. Not the expression I'd expect from someone who's getting fucked right now. Actually kinda conserning. ,,Am I doing good, Levi?", I ask and he manages to nood. ,,Y-Yes, you're doing really well.", Levi answers and I nood too. This goes for a while, until Levi suddenly arches his back and burries his face into my shoulder. ,,Eren, I'm coming.", he whispers into my ear and I gently bite on his. ,,Yeah, I'm too.", I reply, when I suddenly realise something. ,,We can't." ,,Why?" ,,We forgot a condom." ,,And?" Huh? ,,So you're fine with that?" ,,Yes-Argh!" Guess he just came. I do two more thrusts, before I release too and pull out, letting myself fall next to him. There we lie. Hard breathing and don't know what to do with our lives. ,,Damn, that was good.", Levi says after a while and I turn around to him, smiling slightly. The raven slowly cuddles into my chest and I wrap my arms around his strong body. We stay like that for a while, until he pulls back and looks at me. ,,I'm taking a shower. Wait here."

 So this is what everyone's talking about. Damn. I look into the mirror and sight. Since I got top surgery I'm able to like that person in the mirror a little more. But I know there a still some things missing I defintly wanna get. I just have to be a little more patient. With a sight I turn away from the mirror and jump under the hot shower. I lean against the wall and close my eyes. Finally I can shower without having a complete breakdown. Afterwards Eren always used to comfort me and tell me I'm perfect, but I just couldn't believe him. My Eren. I met him when I got into High School. To this time I was already outed and everyone thought I'm a cis boy. I can be happy that my mother was so supportive and instantly looked for a place in a gender clinic when I came out to her. I've heard real horrorstorys about coming out, but mine was completely fine. I really liked my highschooltime. Everyone used my preferd name and pronouns and then there was Eren. We got along very well from the beginning and after five months I started to have feelings for him. And when I told him I'm trans he was really supportive and didn't get weard or something. When my mother died, he was the one who was there for me and got me through the depressed phase I went through. We moved together when I was nineteen and one year later I got a request by a model agency, that was promoting diversety and was looking for some transgender models. You know, I talk a lot about my transition on social media and sometimes post photos of myself, so they probaly found me through that. Beside me there are three other trans models. Two men and one women. They're all really nice and I still work there. I get payed quite well, so we can afford living in such a big apartment. Eren works as waiter in a little café down the street. We both love our jobs and all in all I am very happy right now. Slowly I start to clean myself up and when I'm done I dry myself up and put on a pair of fresh boxers, nothing more, and go back to Eren, who still lays in the bed like I left him. When he sees me he smiles and opens his arms. I crack a little smile too and greatfully lay into them. Carefully my boyfriend slides his hand over my chest and I look at him confused. ,,Everything okay?", I ask and he sights. ,,Yeah, it's just....I just love you, that's everything.", he answers and cuddles against my chest. I wrap my arms around him and lean my chin on his head. ,,I love you too." 

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