Happy Birthday (vers 2)

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The cold wind flows through my hair and the white snow crunches under my feet. I look at tracks infront of me and sight. Just a few more minutes, then it's over. Just wait until the next train comes and then I'll be free from this shit. It was never easy for me, but in the last few months it got worst and I just can't take it anymore. I'm gonna end it tonight. It's gonna be better for everyone, if I'm not there anymore. There's just one person, who can possibly miss me and they have many good people around them, so they're gonna get over me soon. I sight again, when I suddenly feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. It's a message from Eren, my boyfriend. Oh no, why is he even still awake? 

Eren: Happy Birthday, Love!

What? Birthday? Quickly I check the date and bite my teeth together. Wow, I really forgot this. I just turned 25. Two minutes ago. 

Levi: Why are you even still awake?

Eren: I noticed you're not home, but since you do it often, there's no need to worry, isn't it. 

If you only knew...fuck!

Levi: Yeah

Eren: When are you coming home? I've got something for you!

Levi: You didn't have to.

Eren: But it's your birthday, of course I got something for you. I know you haven't been doing so good lately and I just wanna distract you a little. Just come home, then we go to bed and tomorrow we make ourself a good day, okay?

I'm gonna tell him. I have to. I'd feel terrible, if I didn't. 

Levi: I'm not coming home.

Eren: What? Why? Did something happen?

Levi: ...

Eren: Wait, no! Don't kill yourself!

Levi: Don't even try to hold be back, it won't work. 


Levi: No, I can't. 

Eren: Why not?

Levi: I just can't do this anymore. Just know that it's not your fault.

Eren: Please don't! We can get you help! I'll do anything just come back home! 

Levi: You'll get over me, I told you you can't hold me back.

Eren: Levi, please! 

Levi: Goodbye, Eren. I love you.

I stare at the screen of my phone and sight. There I hear a rushing sound from my right side turn around, just to see the lights of a train from afaar. Now's no coming back. 

Eren: Levi! 

Eren: Please answer!

Eren: Please don't be dead! 

Eren: Levi! 

Eren: Please, I need you! Come home!

Eren: You can't do this! 

Eren: Since you ignored me...I'm pretty sure you did it. I wish you didn't. Maybe you thought, I'll get over you, but I know I never will. 

With shaky hands I start to unlock the door of our apartment. I don't know why I decided to come back here. Were it Eren's desperate messages or did something inside me just didin't want to die? I don't know. Slowly I close the door behid me and look into the dark livingroom. ,,Eren? Eren, are you there?" No answer. I walk a little further into the room, when I suddenly hear silent sobbing from the living room. Oh no. I slowly push the door open and see Eren sitting on the floor, his face burried in his knees. He doesn't seem to notice me at all. I sight and kneel infront of him. ,,Eren?", I ask and carefully lay my hand on his shoulder. He looks up surprised and I can see his face's complete tearsswollen. ,,L-Levi?", he asks with wide eyes and I caress his cheek, bevore I suddenly get pulled into a hug. The brunette burries his face into my neck. ,,I-I thought I lost you.", he sobs and I go through his hair without saying anything . What am I supposed to say? 'Hey Eren, sorry I wanted to kill myself and littelary gave you a heartattack.' Yeah, no. I just hold him and let him cry. ,,You fucking idiot, do you have any idea of how much you scared me?" I sight. ,,I know, I'm sorry.", I reply quitely. ,,I get you're angry, but-" ,,I'm not angry! I'm just...dissapointed and...just glad you came back." What? ,,Why dissapointed?" ,,I thought you trust me enough to tell me, when something's going on. I've noticed you're not feeling so good, but I never expected it to be this bad, that you wanna kill yourself." I sight again and hold him closer. ,,It's not like I don't trust you enough. You seemed so happy recently and I didn't want to pull you down.", I say and Eren looks up to me. ,,Are you fucking serious? I could've helped you, if you just talked to me! You can't just shut up about everything and think it's better for everyone, 'cause it's not!" I'm surprised by how loud he got. Now I feel awfully bad. I feel terrible for upsetting him like that and making him so sad. It's my fault. It's my fault he feels like that. ,,I'm sorry.", I mumble and Eren's eyes fill with tears again. ,,Stop apolagising all the time! It's not your fault you feel like that! Just..talk to me next time." I nood slowly, bevore Eren cuddles into my chest again. ,,I really was afraid I lost you. Talk to me next time, okay? You're the best thing that ever happend to me and I love you more then anything, so please stay with me.", he says with a shaky voice and I can feel my shirt getting wet. ,,I'm just not sure, if I can.", I reply while softly stroking over his back. ,,Then we'll get professional help for you. I'm gonna help you through this, I promise." I sight and rest my chin on his head. ,,How do I deserve an angel like you?", I ask and I hear Eren letting out a sad laugh. ,,That's cheesy.", he says and I smile slightly. ,,But you are." ,,Nah." We sit like that for a while, until he pulls back from the hug and lays his hand on my cheek. ,,Happy Birthday, Levi.", he says and I sight. ,,You know I hate celebrating it.", I reply and look at the floor. ,,I usually planned something for tomorrow..." ,,We can still do it, if you want." Eren's expression lightens up a bit. ,,Let's go to bed now, you look tired.", I say, stand up and pull him on his feet. ,,Eren?" ,,Hm?" ,,I love you." 

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