My Toy

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TW: Rape

I walk down the hallway, when I suddenly hear loud groaning and laughing from one of the doors. I stop infront of it and am not sure, if I should go in or not. In the end I decide to do it anyway and open the door. Inside the room behind it and see my father and some guards standing in a circle around a person, who's sitting on the floor, but I can't really see who it is. ,,Father, what is going on here?", I ask and my father looks at me. ,,Eren. Didn't you want to go out?", he asks and I shrugg my shoulders. ,,I was planning to, but then I heard weard sounds and came in here. So, what is going on here now?" He sights and signals the guards to step back. My eyes widen when I see the person they were hiding. It's a ravenhaired, quite young man with many bruises and dirt all over him. His mouth is coverd and his stealgrey eyes glare at me angry. When I look at him, there's only one word that comes to my mind. Beatifull. ,,Can I have him?", I ask and his eyes widen a little. ,,Eren, I can get you much better than this filthy rat from the streets.", my father answers and sounds slightly disgusted. ,,No, I want him." He sights and I'm pretty sure he's giving in now. ,,Fine. You're going out now and when you go out, he'll be in your room, alright?" I smile satisfyed and turn around. I walk out of the room and nearly run outside in the big garden. Like a half hour later I decide togo back into my room. I'm kind of exited. I never had something just for myself. After a few minutes I come to my room and smirk. I open the door and quickly close it behind me, bevore locking it up. I turn around and see the man from bevore leaning on the wall, his arms tied behind his back, his legs tied together and his mouth still coverd. But now he's cleaned up and wears fresh clothes. I walk towards him and kneel infront of him. The raven glares at me angry and slightly touch his face. He moves his head away and I sight. ,,If you keep resisting, it will be even harder for you.", I say and can sense he's biting his teeth together. ,,Do you know what I'm gonna do with you?" He noods slowly, like he's afraid. ,,Don't worry, I'm gonna treat you very well, if you don't resist. You can be thankfull you're here with me, 'cause I'm pretty sure, he would've tortured you to death and that would've been such a waist. I'm gonna take good care of you, I promise. Just don't resist any longer, it doesn't make any sence." The raven roles his eyes, but seems to understand. ,,Are we understanding eachother?" He noods. I smirk and slowly slide my hand down his neck to the collar of his shirt. I carefully start to unbutton it and really get hella impatient. But I'm not ripping it open. I'm really not a big fan of breaking things. When his shirt is finally open, I slide my hand over his pale chest and bite my lip. ,,Your body's so beatifull.", I say and go down to his pants. ,,Let's see what we have there.", I mumble and start to open them. I pull his underwear down a little and pull his dick out. ,,Damn, you're huge.", I grin and slowly start to jerk him off, so he gets hard for me. Here and there the raven lets out a few moans, but sadly they're muted down by his mouthcover. I think, I'm gonna remove that shitty thing later. ,,That should be enough.", I say after a while and sit back. I undress myself as quick as I can and then sit on his lap. ,,I'm gonna remove your mouthcover now. You don't bite, don't you?", I say and rip the cover away from his mouth. ,,Get the fuck of me!", he hisses, but I just grin. ,,No.", I reply teasing. ,,Will you tell me your name?", I ask and lean a little foward. ,,Fuck off!" ,,Okay, hey, fuck off, I'm Eren." The raven roles his eyes and my grin gets bigger. ,,It's Levi.", he mumbles annoyed and I nood. ,,Nice name. Suits you.", I say and smile a little. ,,Okay, now get off me!" I sight and press his shoulders against  the wall. ,,No. You're mine and I do whatever I want with you. Like I told you: Resisting makes no sense and if you don't, I'm treat you very good. You know, I can be really nice, if I want to." ,,And you prove that by raping me, or what?" I smirk. ,,I'm gonna make you feel good. And now shut up and let me do." I lean back again and lift myself up a little, bevore slowly inserting Levi's dick inside me. I whimper slightly when I feel myself getting streched out and filled up. Shit, I should've prepped myself. Well, can't change that. I'm gonna handle this somehow. Okay, one, two, three. Now I sit completely down and let out a long, breathy moan. I stay like that for a while until I slowly start to move. I throw my head back at the sudden pleasure that hits me quickly become a moaning mess as I keep going faster and faster. I can sense Levi's holding back some moans, but this is faar away from working. And within he always begs me to stop, but his anger filled eyes 'cause me to feel even more aroused. ,,Come on, admit it, you-Argh! You feel good.", I smirk and Levi glares at me. ,,Shut up!", he hisses back with his teeth bitten together, but lets out a loud moan right afterwards. There I feel a liquid feeling coming up in my stomack. ,,Oh shit, I'm co-aarghh!" In this moment I come all over Levi's chest and he seems to be close eather. I can't anymore, but I have to keep going. After ten more seconds I feel his hot liquid filling my insides and I throw my head back at the feeling. You did it! You came inside me!", I moan and bite my bottom lip. This person's conected to mine. I'm...happy. ,,I think I'll keep you for a very long time, my dear Levi."

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