[Chapter 35]: Intricate Design

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Knock, knock.

"Kallie? Are you awake?"

Kallie stretched his sore body like a cat in the morning as his eyes fluttered open, hearing a mumble of words vaguely enter his ears. Coincidentally, the minute his vision cleared of any tiredness, small pointed ears hung above his face and along with the fuzzy appendages came two large hands.

"Hmm?" Kallie murmured slowly, squinting up at the orange feline hovering in the air, held up by his owner. Croissant gave a low purr as he wriggled around, attempting to nuzzle against his second favorite person. Unfortunately, Mycah did not follow his intentions, as he was pulled back against his human's chest.

"Aww, come here kitten." Kallie cooed at the little tiger that had grown some since he last saw it. He'd been busy in recent days that he hadn't even realized. Noticing how it twisted in Mycah's grasp, he reached forward to carry Croissant onto himself. "You've grown so big, haven't you?"

"Yeah, can't call him a baby anymore." Mycah chuckled sentimentally, remembering how the tabby had barely fit in his hands when he first brought it home. He readily handed Croissant over, seeing Kallie's willingness to take it. He watched the blonde lovingly caress the cat, who merely closed his eyes in contentment and licked the former's arm in return.

Unable to interrupt the sweet moment, it was only after a few moments when he finally spoke again. He smoothed down the front of his fawn hued sweatshirt, trying to seem preoccupied. "Sorry for coming in without notice, I know you don't like that. Just wanted to check on you and say that breakfast is ready."

"Already? Thanks for waking me up actually, and I don't mind if it's you." Kallie gently sat up, reaching for his phone on the nightstand. As he did so, the blanket slid down his bare torso, uncovering the fact that he had slept in nothing but his boxers. He glanced at the time, it was a quarter to ten, later than his usual wake time.

"Mhm." Mycah gulped at the sight before him, trying his hardest to look away respectfully. But oh, was it hard. To the point he didn't realize how Kallie had inadvertently implied that he was an exception among the many who forced themselves into this room. Instead, he cleared his throat, drawing Kallie's gaze. "You um, you're not wearing any...."

"Ah sorry, I didn't even realize." Kallie exclaimed, a soft blush crawling up his exposed neck. He pulled the blanket back onto his body, chuckling as he wrapped it around himself and the kitten still within his arms. "I don't sleep like this often, so I forgot that I'm not alone here."

"Oh no, I get it. Sometimes it's so comfortable that I forget too." Mycah made an effort to shake off Kallie's unveiled image from his mind, resulting in him imagining his own shirtless state, as he customarily was when sleeping. "I'll leave you to....get dressed then. See you downstairs?"

Kallie gave a nod as the dark-haired male swiftly exited his room. It wasn't until later that he registered how Croissant had been left behind. He could only sigh while staring down at the feline's innocent green eyes. "I guess you'll keep me company then."

Unbeknownst to Kallie, Mycah scurried on his way downstairs, chastising himself for once again catching Kallie undressed in some way or other. He covered his face with shame, ears burning a brilliant red. "I always do this, dammit.."

It took mere minutes for Kallie to throw on a random shirt and freshen up before heading down to the kitchen. Once there, he found the others chowing down on some delicious smelling pancakes. He readily settled Croissant near the kitten's feeding bowl.

Although his appetite was low, Kallie quickly sat at his regular seat near the edge and dished up his own serving of the hot pancakes sprinkled with sliced strawberries. Focused on chewing them slowly, he was too occupied to notice the hectic scene around him.

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