[Chapter 13]: Acrimonius Mien

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Rowan stood in the background, watching one of his boyfriends converse with a certain blond. He tried not to let it bother him but it was getting too much. Stein was standing so close to the other as they looked over some book. He didn't like it one bit.

He had half a mind to march up to the two and push them apart, but before he could, they separated on their own. Sighing in relief, he watched Stein walk off. The book was ever-present in his hands, dirty blond hair bobbing up and down slowly as he reached his bedroom without looking up.

It was the usual behavior for the grey-eyed man but Rowan couldn't help frowning. Mostly because the book belonged to a certain rat in their home. That rat happened to be walking towards his room, wearing his usual clothing of skimpy shorts and t-shirts.

He watched those weirdly toned legs make their way down the hall before he rushed forward in pursuit. Kallie had just opened his door and made to enter when a small hand clamped on his shoulder and pulled him backward.

"Hey, what did you two talk about?" Rowan demanded, quickly removing his hand from the other's body. He disgustedly wiped it against his pants, before continuing. "What did you give him?"

Rowan had seen the blonde hand something off to Stein before parting. He was suspicious of the blonde, who could've likely been coveting his man. No, he's sure that was it. "Tell me now."

"Oh, um, Rowan right?" The rat answered, infuriatingly staring down at him. Whether discreetly or not, Rowan straightened his back and puffed out his chest. He couldn't let the other look down on him. Even though it was inevitable, as Kallie was a few inches taller.

"Answer my question." Rowan glared at those blue eyes that were lighter than his own. They stared back at him with caution but he hadn't noticed with the sunny smile that was thrown his way. It may have blinded him slightly, ugh.

"Oh, I just gave him the name of this website I use to order books," Kallie admitted, there was no reason to lie. It wasn't like he did something wrong, though the raven-haired boy in front of him seemed to disagree, with his expression. "He asked me for it."

Rowan heard that last part and his annoyance subsided, only slightly of course. It made sense that Stein would do anything for more books. He must've found whatever the rat gave him to be interesting. "What kind of books?"

"Want to check some out? I have a few in my room." Kallie politely offered, though he would rather not bother with someone that didn't like him. He didn't think Rowan would do it anyways. But was he in for a surprise...

"Lead the way." Haughtily crossing his arms over his petite chest, Rowan walked forward. Though he said so, he actually entered through the open door before the other. Inside, he almost went into shock.

There standing in the corner, by the bathroom door, was Nathaniel. He was about to shout from rage at seeing his boyfriend in this rat's room. But then the other weirdly shushed him before disappearing into the bathroom with the door slightly open.

"Something wrong?" Kallie walked in behind Rowan, oblivious to the little exchange. He shut the door behind him, bringing the raven-haired youth out of his stupor. Quickly thinking of an excuse, Rowan squeezed out, "I-it's small, super boring in here too." Which made no sense since his room wasn't as big, it didn't even have an en-suite bathroom like this one.

"Well, thanks I guess? I think it's pretty big, besides I haven't had time to decorate." Gazing around the room, Kallie wondered what he should buy to spruce the plain walls up. His few potted plants were already set by the windows, giving some color and scent to the room but that was it. His giant purple octopus was sitting in the corner of his bed, the only interesting thing in the room, if you didn't count the few cameras on his desk.

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