[Chapter 45]: Divergent Discourse

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Kallie stood frozen before the gaping front door as a smile gradually slipped from his features, now marred with confusion. Sammy took the chance to squeeze by, passing through the entryway after kicking off his black boots.

"I'm here for the pool party." The golden haired teen amusedly proclaimed, though contrary to his words, he held a certain purple sweater in his arms. It gently flailed by his side as he waved his palm in attempt to shake Kallie out of his stupor.

Kallie's gaze instantly caught on the familiar article of clothing, reminding him of the leather jacket still stashed in his closet. Obviously, the other had come to pick it up. But even then, he could only address the most apparent concern.

"How did you know we were having a pool party?" Kallie's eyes widened as he further mulled over the idea. After all, the fact that the pool was in use hadn't been known to him until merely half an hour ago. How could Sammy, someone who didn't live here, know such a thing?

Sammy quirked a fine brow as he scanned the older male's appearance, observing many damp splotches here and there. Although the pink apron threw him off a bit, he was smart enough to see that the blonde had very much been fooling around with water.

"You told me, remember?" He humorously reminisced the texts they'd exchanged nearly an hour ago. At the time, Kallie had just exited his morning shower, merely looking through his phone notifications. But Sammy wouldn't have known that.


Goldilocks: Hello, lovely uncle(by association) of mine~
͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ If you don't mind me asking, just where may you be gracing with your presence at the moment? [12:28pm]

BurritoBeautyhehe: Heyy no way, I'm only an uncle to my baby June!( ͡ ʖ̯ ͡) [12:35pm]

BurritoBeautyhehe: Also, I might be at a pool party rn, why do you ask? Heheh [12:36pm]

Goldilocks: () And you didn't invite me?! [12:37pm]

BurritoBeautyhehe: Hahah I'm actually at home, I was only joking~ [12:37pm]

Goldilocks: Good, you better be or I'll tell uncle johann! ( ʖ̯ ) you know how he loves water, the fishy little man. [12:38pm]

BurritoBeautyhehe: Go ahead then, I'll just say you called him that ͜ʖ͠) [12:38pm]


Realization dawned upon Kallie as he eyed the teen with disbelief. He did recall alluding to a pool party in the messages he'd sent. But he hadn't known that his words would foretell of a real event, occurring as he mentioned it. "Did you rush here just from hearing that? You really took my word for it?"

Sammy shrugged with a soft grin, and Kallie wondered just how gullible teenagers could be. Noticing his doubt, the golden haired teen simply gave a lighthearted laugh. "And I was right about it, wasn't I? Besides, uncle Jo says you kinda suck at lying."

"Yeah I guess but, um I really was joking..." Kallie clarified in a fluster, mulling over the strange happenstance. With a nervous smile, he glance towards the far end of the hallway, behind the stairs. There was no one outside the unlocked back door. "The pool 'party' right now was an insane coincidence. I didn't know about it 'til like twenty minutes ago?"

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