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I made an Instagram for my wattpad page all its for is to post updates, funny memes, and fan art. If you're interested the name is : alayalikesyaoi.

Not spelling checked.

Happy New Years!

Michael hasn't let me out the chains once. He would always come check on me during the night for a couple of minutes then he would just walk out and not return till the next day.

Tonight was one of those nights. He came in and watched me for a little while then walked out the barn. I sat frozen for at least 20 minutes then decided that I'm going home.

I planned this for a while so I managed to make things just a tiny bit easier. I grabbed a saw that I kept hidden under the hay and got to work. It was a lot harder then I thought it would be cutting into this. But, somehow I managed.

When the chains were off me I quickly got up to my feet. I stretched then headed towards the door. I pulled to open only to find out it was locked. I looked around for any type of window or anything but only found one at the very top of the barn where the chickens are. I sighed shakily and slowly made my way up the stairs. Before I fully reached the top I looked around one more time but unfortunately this is the only window.

Carefully I made my way around the chickens. I got to the window and slowly let my lower half of my body out. It was a long drop so I wanted to make sure that I landed on my feet and not my head.

When only my chest and up were still in the barn a chicken suddenly started pecking me. It pecked me right between my eyebrows causing me to let out a yelp. Unfortunately, I didn't only yelp. I slipped.

Now the only thing that was in the barn was my head and my hands trying to bring me back up. The chicken didn't stop either. It went ahead and got his little buddies to join along. There were three chickens pecking me now. One of them were tugging on my hair with its claws. I was so frightened so I screamed. My hands were slipping. I couldn't see since I was closing my eyes afraid the chickens would peck them out.

Then I let go.

The chicken jumped back from me.

I shut my eyes waiting for impact.

But it never did come.

I slowly opened my eyes back up and saw that I was being held up above ground. I looked back up to see what was holding me only to see the one and only Michael Myers. My eyes flooded with tears. If that fall didn't manage to kill me, he would.

Surprisingly with one hand he lifted me back up threw the window. When I got on my feet and harshly grabbed me by my shoulders and made me stare at him. He was like a mother giving their child a look meaning "I'm going to get you when we get home" stare.

I looked away from him but he only made me look back at him again. We watched each other for a few minutes and in those few minutes I noticed a lot of things. I noticed how if you look deep into those black eyes you can see his baby blue eyes looking back at you. You can see strands of long dirty blonde hair covering most of his eye. You can see...Michael.

I slowly brought my hand up to his mask. I stared him in the eyes.

"Thank you Michael."

He placed his hand on top of mine and nodded.

His First Love (a Michael Myers Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now