6 (Halloween)

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I woke up with a smile. It was Halloween! I jumped out of bed and walked downstairs into the kitchen. My mom was making a cup of coffee. When she saw me she gave me a small smile and said "morning sweetheart. Ready for tonight?"

I nodded and yelled "yeah! I can't wait for trick or treating with Michael!" My mom smiled at me and said "here eat your breakfast. Once you're done go take a bath and get dressed."

I sat down at the table and started to eat my pancakes. I rushed to try and finish as fast as I could so I can change into my costume. My mom slapped my back gently and said "calm down. You're going to choke before you can even go out."

I sighed and said, "yes momma..."

Time skip~

I had just finished with my bath. My mom didn't allow me to wear my Halloween costume yet. Because of that, I was wearing a hoodie and shorts.

My dad had woke up later than usual. He claimed to be sick so my mom had made him a chicken soup and a cup of tea. I was upset at first. What if I can't go trick or treating now that he's sick?!

I ran up to my mom and said "Mom! I can still trick or treat right?!" My mom had pretended to think about it 'hmmm' she would mutter. "I don't know...maybe you're sick as well!" She shouted out.

I gasped and said "Am not! Look! I'm not even coughing!" She laughed and said "I'm just kidding! But...wanna carve some pumpkins while we wait for the time to pass?"

My eyes lit up in excitement. "Yes!" I shouted. I ran into the kitchen to see three big pumpkins. My mom followed in right behind me. "The third was was for your dad but he's sick right now so we could just share that one-" my mom was cut off by the doorbell.

"I'll get it!" I said. I made my way to the door and when I opened it, it was like my smile got even bigger.

"Michael! Hi!" I said. Michael gave me a small smile and said "Hi Y/N! How are you?" I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. "I'm good! Hey, wait! Wanna carve pumpkins with me and my mom?"

I saw the corners of Michael's mouth stretch out a little more. He grabbed my arm and said "Yeah! Let's go!"

We ran into the kitchen where my mom now had knives and bowls set up. When she saw Michael she smiled and said "Hey Michael! Would you like to carve some pumpkins with us while we wait for the time to pass?" Michael shyly nodded and walked with me to the kitchen table. We sat down in front of a pumpkin and each grabbed a knife.

When I grabbed my knife I turned to Michael to see how he was doing. I watched him stare at the knife for what seemed like hours.

"Michael...Michael.....Michael!" I shouted. He jumped and turned to me. "You okay?" I asked. He looked at me for a few seconds then nodded his head.

I nervously nodded and turned back to my pumpkin. I really like Michael but...he's...weird. This isn't the first time I caught him doing something creepy!

Time Skip~

It's been a few hours since we finished our pumpkins. My mom had made a spider, I made a happy face, while Michael made a scary face.

We were getting dressed in our costumes now. Michael had gone home to get dress and I promised to go to his house once I was done getting ready. My mom had helped me get into my pirate costume and added fake scars onto my arms and face. I even got to wear an eyepatch!

Once I was done getting dressed up my mom took millions of pictures of me. My dad even came downstairs from his room to snap a few.

Eventually, it was time to start heading to Michael's house. I grabbed my candy bag and headed to Michael's house. I walked across the road and into their yard. I made my way to the front porch and took a deep breath. I rang the doorbell and heard some screaming for a couple of seconds.

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