38. Sectional is a Mess

Start from the beginning

"Oh, like you even know what that means," Rachel said back to her.

"It means that your boyfriend is full of crap, hobbit!" Santana said to Rachel.

"You know what? Ever since the wedding, you've been up my butt and I am sick of it," Rachel said to her angrily.

"C'mon Rachel, she's not worth it," Finn said.

"Oh really? Cuz that's not what you thought last year in that motel room," Santana said to Finn, then she turned to Rachel. "That's right Yentl, your sweetheart? He's been lying to you, cuz he and I totally got it on last year."

"Okay enough already!" Mr. Schue shouted, getting everyone's attention but on him and off the drama between Finn, Rachel, and Santana "No more conversations about this, or-or anything! This is our plan for Sectionals, and that is that. Mike, Brittany c'mon up, let's start choreographing."

               "Where's Puck? I haven't seen him since yesterday and I need him to get me a churro." Santana said, during the next glee practice, everyone else was there, but Puck was missing. Rachel was also yet to arrive.

"Get your own churro," I told her.

"No," Santana said, and I just sighed.

"My guess is he'd rather quit Glee Club than lose Sectionals and I can't blame him. Our set's gon' be real light on the Mercedes," Mercedes said.

"I'm telling you, if the Warblers win Sectionals, it's only because we gave them Kurt. We should not clap," Tina decided.

"If we lose, we should throw possums," Brittany said

"I agree," I say. "But where do we find possums?" I asked her.

Rachel entered the room, her arms crossing and with duct tape over her mouth. "Rachel, what are you doing?" Mr. Schue asked, seeing her.

Rachel pulled off the duct tape. "I'm not doing anything. You've silenced my talents, I'm merely protesting," She said, she then put the tape back over her mouth only to remove it right away. "My talents are wasted in this club. My star shines too bright and I think you're threatened by it."

Mr. Schue slammed his pile of papers onto the piano in frustration. "Take that off! I'm tired of this Rachel! You have a terrible attitude, you're a lousy sport, and it is not okay anymore!" He snapped.

"Well, I'm upset! I'm furious about this, about a couple of things actually!" Rachel said, standing up and glancing over at Finn.

"I'm sorry you're disappointed, but you know, you could also make the choice to be happy, that we're a part of a glee club that is bursting at the seams with talent. There's an awful lot of 'me' talk going around. 'What's in it for me?' 'What solo am I gonna sing?' Now, when we go to Sectionals, we're gonna be good sports. We'll cheer on the Hipsters, we'll cheer on Kurt and the Warblers, and if they win we will congratulate them because that's who we are," Mr. Schue explained as Puck entered the choir room.

"Dude, where have you been?" Arties asked him

"And what's wrong with you?" I asked, looking at Puck, he looked dishevelled and like he was covered in shit. By his side was Lauren Zizes

"I found him in a porta-potty," Lauren explained.

"Gross," I muttered, as they explained how well Puck was looking for someone to take Kurt's place at sectionals. He was shoved into a porta-potty, where she found him and after a round of five minutes in heaven, she agreed to join.

"I have to say, she kinda rocked my world," Puck finished explaining.

"Okay guys, um, well, looks like we're back in business. Let's all welcome our newest member, Ms. Lauren Zizes!" Mr. Schue said, and we all clapped. "Puck, nice work. We owe you one,"

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