Start from the beginning

Being bold and ready to learn,we didn't hesitate on packing our stuff and going. I really wanted to become a doctor,I wanted to pay special attention to my Ummaa's health. Turning Ummaa into a fit and fine woman was my sole career goal!

We boarded the airplane together and went out of our country,we went somewhere far from home and then boom! It was all a scam!
We were taken to the UK,yes but not where we were promised to be. I'd read it in history books on how white men capture people of other nationalities and forcefully make them work on their plantations...I was about to live such a life.

Somehow,Zakir escaped and since he had some money on him,he flew back home. According to him,he went to my house to tell Abu but he met him on his way out. He didn't bother getting in and explained everything to him. Dad was so devastated. These were his words to Zakir....

"I'll give you a huge amount of money. Please find my daughter for me. If you manage to bring her home,I'll give you anything you want that's in my possession...anything!" Zakir was ready for it,he didn't even need any gift. He just wanted someone to help him come back to the UK to find me and he got that.

I was not hearing from him so I didn't know whether he reached home or not. I took one of my colleague's phone,Sakeena and texted Sistur Twin...I only memorised her number!

Weeks later,Sakeena lost her life at sea as she tried to run back home.
I was left with nothing...not even a phone to contact my people at home. I laid many plans to escape but I always failed! I realised how hard it was to actually set a plan and make it work. I never stopped trying and finally,I escaped!
I ran away!

I came across a very good Muslimah in the UK,Aunt Khadeejah. She took me in and was like a mother to me. She said she knew of such scammers and she really felt pity for victims like us. She helped me and provided for me my necessities. With Allah's help,Zakir found me since Aunt Khadeejah's place was not very far from where they took us. With the money that Abu gave him,he got us both enrolled in a renowned university and before the money got exhausted,we got a real scholarship!

I continued staying with Aunt Khadeejah whiles Zakir stayed at the dorm of the university. I wanted to contact my family members but I was advised to not use phones and other electrical devices because those scammers would be on the look out for us. I could have left the studies there and go back home...I really wanted to. Sometimes,that'd be the only thing I'd see but with Zakir and others around me,they encouraged me to stay and that very soon it will all come to an end and I will have the chance to go back home...not as Noor Jamal,but Doctor Jamal!

_flashback ends_

"Zakir was right! The long wait has finally come to an end...tring tring tring! Home is calling!" I lied on bed and texted Zakir.

_We'll depart tomorrow by 6am inn shaa Allah...._ _#DocNoorIsComingHome!_

I did nothing all day long but sleep and anticipate for tomorrow!


As I wanted,morning came! I woke up at 4am and as usual,prayed tahajjud! I made sure never to miss my tahajjud. I then took my mushaf and recited the Quran till fajr came up. Immediately after fajr,I cooked breakfast for two and packed it in a flask. As I told him,Zakir showed up few minutes after 6 and we headed to the airport.

What a surprise I'll give!

During the whole journey,I was thinking about nothing but home! Sistur Twin! Bayyaa! Sister in law Asiyah! Abu! UmmAyesha! Yaa robb,I pray that the journey ends as quickly as possible.

After a six hours flight,we reached the airport! I didn't know that I was crying. The feeling of seeing everyone else again was ecstatic! I missed home! I missed home! Ya Allah I missed home just so much!

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