Chapter 30-True and False Heroes

Start from the beginning

He looked in turn at each of the people surrounding him—Jiang Lan was closest to him, standing a little off to the side. Shi Huizhang and Luo Xiaofeng stood one behind the other directly in front of him. Gui Song still looked as diffident as ever, standing a little further from him. The Utopia white coats and armed personnel were standing even further away, close to the door, sticking to the wall.

Chen Lin thought that he and the other blue seals were like the gladiators and wild animals in the Coliseum in ancient Rome, using all their tricks to fight each other to the death, while the people watching the games were outside.

Chen Lin suddenly asked, "How is it at the grey house? Have they all been taken care of?"

A white coat said, "The RZ Unit's firepower is too strong. That area is already under their control. Though it can essentially be considered completely cleared."

Shi Huizhang laughed coldly. "You can relax. When you really get to the other side, there will be someone to accompany you."

When you really get to the other side... Chen Lin laughed in self-mockery. When he really got to the other side, going up to heaven or down to hell, how could he go the same way as Su Qing? Hell had long ago prepared a room for him; it was waiting there for him to go squat in.

Failure for lack of a final effort...

He went right around Jiang Lan. When he passed by Luo Xiaofeng, he raised his head with an inscrutable smile and quietly said, "You saw your opening and took it. Nicely done, I acknowledge defeat."

Luo Xiaofeng felt that these words weren't meant as praise. He looked up and made eye contact with Chen Lin. In that instant, Luo Xiaofeng suddenly had a strange feeling, as though while he had succeeded in plotting against Chen Lin, he still hadn't won... No one had won.

Then, without so much as looking at Shi Huizhang, Chen Lin calmly walked up to the white coats and met their scrutinizing gazes, lightly nodding his head. "Let's go."

He went to his death as unflinchingly as a hero, dying for resistance and freedom. Sadly, no one would commemorate him in the future, or if they did occasionally recall his life, they would simply sum it up in a single phrase—reap what you sow.

In the end, the RZ Unit was unable to seize the blue seals and core researchers who changed their itinerary at the last minute. Taking the eight or nine surviving grey seals, including Su Qing, they returned to the RZ Unit's medical treatment center.

Xue Xiaolu was so busy her feet didn't touch the ground. She did so much running her legs became skinnier. To lighten the burden on his subordinate, Captain Hu voluntarily shared in a portion of the nursing—he assigned himself to tend to Su Qing.

Su Qing was comatose for over two months, stuck full of all kinds of tubes and lines—he was the first human being on earth to possess a pair of energy crystals, becoming an unrivaled freak. No one knew what changes he would undergo.

Lu Qingbai and Xu Ruchong stood one on either side of Cheng Weizhi, looking through the glass at Su Qing lying in the hospital bed—Hu Bugui was just bent over, using a towel to clean Su Qing.

Though Lu Qingbai had said that his pair of grey seals had formed a circuit in his body, giving Su Qing a healing ability that could rival that of a blue seal, meaning that he wasn't likely to get bedsores like an ordinary person, their Captain Hu was adamant, absolutely insisting on taking care of Su Qing as though he were an ordinary patient. Day after day, in rain or shine, if he had nothing else to be doing, he would come to the treatment area to put in some work, either turn Su Qing over, or read to him, or sit there staring at him, not moving for ages, like Amah Rock.

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