19.Do not forget who you are

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After leaving the tent Shi Shuan exhaled slowly. The headache that accompanied him earlier now left, but nagging thoughts stayed. What was that ? Why such a small touch hade him that sensitive ? If that's the case aside from alcohol he should stay away from any physical contact with anyone. Yes, that should work. But suddenly when he finally thought he would have some rest the familiar person appeared. Wry style and chin raised up to the sky made him want to run away.

-So you are back ! Wonderful !-the prince threw sarcastically scanning him with his eyes.-I heard you were kidnaped and tortured by a Demon. Is that really the truth ? Certainly much happened !

No matter how much he tried to calm down each word spoken by this dirty mouth worked like red rug on bull. He had to run into him just when he was so close to his desired rest ? Pure bad luck !

-Yeah, indeed much happened.-he said dryly escaping with his eyes on the side searching for rescue.

But they were alone. Priest Ming wasn't visible anywhere.

-So I assume you will tell me the details.-saying he pated his back too hard with this nerve wrecking smile of his.-Is that true that demons drink only  blood ?

-I don't remember anything like that.-he tried to look everywhere but not at him.-Excuse me, but now I have to...

-My lord, general Hao wants to see you urgently.-he turned around to see Feng Tao with faint smile. Heaven's blessing !

-The gathering ended long ago.-he said dissatisfied and closed his fan with a loud bang.-We are busy talking can't you see ?

-We will talk later.-said Byakko escaping. He didn't look back jogging away leaving the irritated shitty prince alone. After walking som distance away they stopped.

-That was close.-said Shi Shuan sighing in relief.

-I guessed you wouldn't enjoy his company, my lord.-he said steadily looking straight into his eyes.

-I don't know how to express my gratitude. The prince is just so...

-...Irritating ?-Byakko stared at him surprised then nodded. Who would have thought a simple priest would insult the prince so easily ? Even High Priest  didn't complain. But now that he though about it he had never seen him disgracing anyone even lower in status. ,,It must have been his manners that didn't allow him''-he thought.

-Once again many thanks.-he said smiling at him.

-If you'll ever have any problems then don't mind asking me. For example like the one with your spiritual energy.-Shi Shuan tensed, but then thought : ,,He's a priest right ? Can't he teach me some spells ? The well-ghost won't he waling up soon.''

-I have one request.-he started looking around uneasily.-Would you mind teaching me a few spells ? I'am still not used to this body yet.

-Of course, if you wish you can come to my tent any time.-he said pointing carelessly at the tent at the left.-If there is something I can teach you, I would be glad.

,,It's amusing how good that excuse works''-he thought looking at the smiling man opposite. He was even sorry for him. He didn't deserve to be laid to when helping from pure kindness. Shi Shuan yawned. Now was 't the good time to learn anything so he politely send Feng Tao back and walked to his own tent. Thought bright, the moon wasn't good for night trips but he somehow managed to get back. But on the way his attention was caught by the glittering lake's surface. It was already hard for him to catch a breath those days not mentioning some time for himself. The night definitely didn't cool down the water jet. Changing his plans he approached the lake. It was cool but not cold. Perfect for a quick bath.

Not long after he actually regretted it. Cold water from the bottom merged and chilling wind blew on his exposed chest. Only long hair protected him from freezing but it too needed a bath. 

Suddenly he heard some commotion in the wood.  ,,Oh, shit !''-he thought and dived. It was the worst decision in his life. Icy water swallowed him, his skin hurt from the cold. He couldn't reveal himself so he just silently endured until the familiar silhouette with only inner garment draped over it appeared. White hair swayed as the wind blew when the man entered the water unaware of Byakko hidden under the surface.

If he won't leave now things could get weird. He tried to merge without any noise but still made some waves. When they eyes met Shi Shuan stood up defeated.

-You wanted to take a bath too, my lord ?-he asked with this stoic tone of his. How could he be so calm when two mens are bathing together naked ?! Was it weird only for him ?

-Yeah, but not for too long.-he said hiding his face in long hair. Why is he talking ? Just shut up already !

Then only the rustling of the leaves was interrupting the absolute silence. The wind blew stronger and some leaves had fallen on the surface. Summer was coming to its end, so air was becoming more chilly. Why he didn't notice it earlier ?

He smoothed his hair with his hands. He understood those women more in their everyday torture. Previously he didn't have time to properly take care of them only trying to make them stay in something less troublesome but they were still pretty annoying while running.

He curiously turned to look at the priest and paused surprised. Earlier he noticed that his hair was long but it exceeded his expectations. His usual updo hid hair reaching his waist !

Additionally his white hair looked really exceptional. It was straight silk-like and well-groomed. Compared to his yellow bird's nest  it looked truly beautiful.

Then he paused. Why does he marvels at someone's hair ?! It was just hair but it was really difficult to look away. Then he noticed the priest was looking at him which was next reason to curl up and die. Looking away he mumbled ,,sorry'', which was met with the other's chuckle.

-It's nothing.-he said brushing away hair from his face. Only now did Shi Shuan noticed huge tattoo of a dragon covering his whole arm. Though azure it still caught attention.

-Ach...-he sighed unintentionally.

-Memento from my youth.-he said covering it.-Truly embarrassing.

,,More embarrassing than two naked guys bathing together ?''-he thought but his expression didn't wave.

-I think it really beautiful.-he said honestly.

In his previous life he had a few tattoos and was really proud of them. Not many, not huge but they held special meaning for him.

-You shouldn't be ashamed of the beautiful art of tattooing your body.-he said with dazed longing expression which made the priest curious.

-It's the first time I met someone thinking about it this way.-he relaxed a little and locked his gaze on the other side of the lake.

Shi Shun felt the wall of silence separated them. He wanted to say something but didn't knew what. Something like the silence accompanying family dinners which is tiring only for you.

-Why did you made it ?-he asked hesitantly.

-No special reason. One night I just felt like having something reminding me of who I wanted to be. To never lose direction.-he said them walked out of the water.

Shi Shuan closed his eyes.

-It was nice to talk but it's getting colder so I will leave.

He draped outer robe over himself then walked away leaving Shi Shun lost in thoughts.

,,Did I said something wrong ?''

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